i am currently trying to use this for my enemy
Player character has 8-directional movement
The enemy has a bouncing ball movement
- Pick one of Enemy
- Y position of Player is greater or equal to Y position of Enemy - 80
- Y position of Player is less or equal to Y position of Enemy + 80
- X position of Player is greater or equal to X position of Enemy - 80
- X position of Player is less or equal to X position of Enemy + 80
- Set internal flag 0 of Enemy to ON
- Set alterable value A of Enemy to 0
- Internal flag 0 of Enemy is ON
- Have Enemy look at (0,0) relative to Player
- Add 1 to alterable value A of Enemy
- Alterable value A of Enemy equals 30
- Set alterable value A of Enemy to 0
- Set internal flag 0 of Enemy to OFF
- Internal flag 0 of Enemy is OFF
- Have Enemy look in random direction (have an arrow on all of them)
questions:what does this do?
- Have Enemy look at (0,0) relative to Player
question: how do you do this?
- Have Enemy look at (0,0) relative to Player
This example spoke of having - Several (invisible) active objects for pathfinding purposes but i never found a update.
question: would they have been for alt movment? building on or adding to the bouncing ball movement?
in my game i have adapted this to suit but my enemy sprite hotspot cannot be moved to centre position interfears with anim
consequence: folows player but does not lose intrest and realy hard to beat you have to trap him behind a obstical in order to get a shot at him.
thanks for taking the time to read all this and if you can help id be most gratefull.