I am using MagicDeque in some apps and would like to port those apps to java. Is MagicDeque for java already ready?
Regards, Herbert
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I am using MagicDeque in some apps and would like to port those apps to java. Is MagicDeque for java already ready?
Regards, Herbert
Hi Herbert. Start a new application. Set the build to Java. Go to Add New Object and you can see what objects and extensions that are Java supported.
Hi Marv,
Thanks for your info.
I would like to port my old apps to java.
Some of them have 200 frames and a lot of complex events with MagicDeque. A start from scratch to built a java version (eg for web) would take a lot of time.
Regards, Herbert
when will MagicDeque be available fot java?
Regards, Herbert
It is already. As I stated before, start a new application. Change the build to Java.
Select New Object. This will let you know which objects and extensions are ok with Java.
I am using R249 ans would like to export apps to java but can not see MagicDeque for java. Is it in development?
Regards, Herbert
If you are referring to Java stand alone, magic deque is there.
Are you running the latest beta of b249?
I downloaded 249 beta 10, no MagicDeque in Java stand alone. Is beta 10 the latest update?
Regards, Herbert
Have you downloaded Bonus packs 1 and 2 for MMF? Bonus Pack 1 contains the magicdeque extension. I bet that is your problem.
I think the problem is that he has an older version of the bonus pack. Try downloading bonus pack 1 again now.
I downloaded and installed bonus pack 1 and 2 but no MagicDeque for java. So are there another/newer bonus pack versions around?
Regards, Herbert
Where did you download the Bonus Pack from? The latest is in the Released Extension sub-forum.
I downloaded and installed from quick file links (box on the right side from the forum) and later from released extensions but have not get MagicDeque for java. Is somewehre a link to download jar file to put it manually into data/runtime/java?
Regards, Herbert
You need to contact Click Team directly, as I do not know what your problem is. Sorry.
Francois, is this released yet?
I cant remember. It should be. Anyway, you can download it at :
Please login to see this link.
Just copy it in your data\runtime\java directory.
I'm worried that it isn't being installed by any of the updates.
I have it..
Thanks for the link to download. The download is a zip file. In the zip file are class files and a manifest file. I copied the zip file and unziped files into data\runtime\java directory but do not have MagicDeque for java available in MMF2 Developer. Shoult it be a jar file?
From my point of view the final built 249 should be released as soon as possible to have all developers at the same level (state of the art).
Regards, Herbert
jar files are just zip files. If the download is named .zip, rename it .jar.
EDIT: Except it is named .jar already. So just put it in the right place.
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