Surface Object Progress

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • The Surface object is a replacement for the Overlay, with more advanced and user-friendly features and more MMF integration.


    • Being able to store multiple images in a bank at both in edit and run-time.
    • Being able to draw shapes with complex filling, e.g. gradient or tiles (See Quick Backdrop).
    • Alpha channel support
    • Export/Import images via MMF graphics filters, PNG, JPEG etc.
    • The above could also make GIF animation export and import possible from what I've seen
    • Fine collision, e.g. for destructible terrain
    • Other basic stuff, see Please login to see this link.

    Of course anybody who has access to this forum can request features. :)

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  • Well If you complete the scope you have outlined, then I would consider the layering gravy and bonus, don't feel you have to do it to complete the scope!

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  • Rich made an object which could perform various image effects, like I think blur, sharpern, that kind of thing. It's called Image Manipulator I think.

    I just thought maybe if you found out what library he used, you could add it. It's low priority obviously but it'd just be one of those features which makes you go "Cool".

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  • By the way, a little warning: The cSurface DrawText function doesn't respect the clipping region set in it.

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  • That's what I assumed at first actually, but that library is kind of bloated and huge - of course there's the possibility that he extracted the algorithms from it. I think a dedicated extension that is compatible with the surface object would be nice, but I'm definitely going to implement this.

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  • [size:14pt]Surface Object Progress[/size]
    Estimated Progress: 20%

    Last Week's Progress:

    • Basic drawing functions
    • Managing multiple images
    • Alpha channels & basic modifying
    • Image import/export
    • Instances of the same object share the image bank

    This Week Goals:

    • Adding more drawing functions (with gradient filling etc.)
    • Improving framerate (Only update what has been changed)
    • Cleaning up the action menu
    • Fixing bugs

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  • [size:14pt]Surface Object Progress[/size]
    Estimated Progress: 25%

    Last Week's Progress:

    • Fixed some crashing issues
    • "Image" parameter in actions is now gone, there's a "set editing action"

    This Week Goals:

    • Adding more drawing functions (with gradient filling etc.)
    • Improving framerate (Only update what has been changed)

    As you can see, I didn't make that much progress. I apologize for that and I will try to make up for it this week.

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  • Looki,

    Awesome report, And take the time you need to make a good replacement object, We just appreciate you making the progress report, Letting us know you still working on it, and communicating is what we are after with these reports

    So OOH RAH to Looki!


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  • [size:14pt]Surface Object Progress[/size]
    Estimated Progress: 40%

    Last Week's Progress:

    • Fixed some crashing issues, again!
    • Added new drawing functions that utilize fill data (You can draw shapes with border + gradient, tiled images etc. like a Quick Backdrop)
    • Added clipboard support. Was broken but thanks to Werbad it now works completely.
    • Added actions to set 'blend settings', e.g. what ink effect to use to draw an ellipse.
    • Added support for polygons, and being able to modify the point list.
    • Added an edittime setting to make the object's image bank global
    • Polished the menu a bit.

    This Week Goals:

    • Fixing known bugs.
    • Completing the new drawing functions with fill data
    • Other functions, like drawing text.
    • Expressions & conditions

    I think the optimization I mentioned a week ago, only draw what has been changed, will take a while to be done. I hope I'm able to do it at all.

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  • [size:14pt]Surface Object Progress[/size]
    Estimated Progress: 45%

    Last Week's Progress:

    • Fixed a lot of crashing bugs. I hope they're all gone now!
    • Added a 'Use multiple images' setting that, if checked, removes all evidence of multiple image management functions.
    • Added fill data support for lines, ellipses and polygons..

    That was basically it. I'm having a side project and I'm being torn apart by it and the Surface Object.

    This Week Goals:

    • Other functions, like drawing text.
    • Expressions & conditions

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