Hi everybody. I have got the 7th beta version of the Chart Object for you. And so much has changed. First a warning: It is not compatible with the old version.
The zip also has in it the latest version of the Ini++ object, which in addition to the new Chart features has a new "New/Change/Load file" type action and a few new expressions.
[color:#3366FF]Change[/color]: 'Scatter graph' and 'Line graph' have been removed, and so has the 'Continuous' option. 'XY (Cts)' and 'XY (Discrete)' replace them. XY graphs can be scatter graphs, line graphs, or both.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: Ability to specify how often grid lines appear on the series axis and value axis. It need not be related to the tick marks.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: Ability to specify that every n-th tick should be labelled. It can be specified separately for series and value axes.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: Ability to set the decimal precision of the series axis for cts graphs.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: ‘Smooth’ line mode.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: ‘Square-tooth’ line mode.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: In-built markers. There are horizontal or vertical lines, crosses, squares and filled squares, and circles and filled circles. You can still use images.
[color:#3366FF]Change[/color]: Slightly more intelligent labelling (doesn’t allow itself to be half in display).
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: The ability to set a title
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: The ability to give titles to the axes
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: ‘Line of best fit’ line drawing mode.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: Now if the tick spacing, axis scale labels spacing or grid spacing is too small (less than 3 pixels for the former and latter and less than the size of the largest item for the scale labels) it will be automatically enlarged. This means that if the scale automatically changes the graph will still be somewhat presentable.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: You can now decide if you wish markers to be able to go over the axes or not.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: Now ticks with numbers on are larger than those without (unless none have numbers).
[color:#3366FF]Change[/color]: Lots of property changes, including some items being disabled when not in use.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: You can now set the padding on individual values separately. This was mainly to make the user interface simpler.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: Border thickness, colour.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: The title text can now have shadow. You can also configure how much padding there is under the title. There are also new actions to set these values.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: Now if the axis meets at a place where both are zero, the zero will only be displayed once in a position which makes sense.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: A new hidden ‘Set Chart Type’ feature. It is not shown in any mode, so you need to uncheck the box in the about pane to enable it.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: There can now be multiple data sets. 9 are allowed, numbered 0 to 8.
[color:#CC33CC]Ini++[/color]: Integration of Chart and Ini++ has been done.
[color:#009900]New feature[/color]: New features to automatically set the tick and grid intervals.
[color:#990000]Bug fixes[/color]: Very, very, very many bug fixes, including the fixing of many of the biggest bugs from previous versions.
And lots and lots of new actions, conditions and expressions.
If you want the full list of changes, it can be seen on my blog (click the 'Chart Object' category). I hope you can see just how much has changed and how much it has improved from the last version.
Note: I still do not know if it works in HWA mode. Could people tell me if it does or does not, but even if it does not can people still try it in the usual mode.