Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Here it is, Werbad. :)

    Changelog (out of my head)

    • Transform > Rotate
    • Transform > Crop/Minimize
    • HUGE speed increase. Setting a large amount of pixels via fast loops is now much faster (as fast as Overlay)
    • Set anti-aliasing setting at runtime (Only used for rotations currently)
    • Expressions like RGBAt() now use the editing image (that's not the optimization I was talking about!)
    • Partial menu redesign
    • New blitting actions
    • Export overlay action + Get overlay address for extension communication (e.g. Dungeon Object or Phizix Box2D).

    The demo MFA is now incompatible.
    Some actions have been changed, for example Draw text now takes a color, and convolution matrix takes a repetition parameter.

    Hope it works fine.

  • I'm making a puzzle program allowing you to take any picture on your computer and make it into a puzzle. I have an older version that uses Overlays that is fully functional, but it eats memory. It ended up taking 1.5 Gb of memory for a 1500 piece puzzle... With this extension it takes 29Mb of memory and loads pretty much instantly instead of taking ~1 minute to load.

    I just noticed that Get Pixel crashes if you give it a coordinate outside the image. Should be easy to fix.

    Please login to see this link.

  • Fond some bugs:
    If the current image is the last image in the bank and you remove any image, the application will crash. Most likely due to the current index ending up outside the vector/array.

    If you export an image as an overlay, use this image for an object (Active Overlay for example), and then change the image the application will crash as soon as the object tries to access the overlay. I've found that re-exporting the image and relinking the Active Overlay before it tries to update prevents it from crashing. I guess the problem is that if some action recreates the surface (Resize or similar) the exported overlay isn't updated and points at the old surface that no longer exists.

    And I'm not sure if you saw my edit in my last post, but Get Pixel crashes if the coordinate is outside the surface.

    Please login to see this link.

  • Thanks. I fixed the get pixel bug a couple of days ago, I was using GetPixelFast... :blush:
    The overlay bug is a good find! I guess updating the address will do fine. I think that at some point this is not a bug, though. You're working with memory addresses there - it can't be guaranteed that it will never crash.
    I might even upload a new beta today.

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  • What are your plans regarding the HWA version of this object?
    Will you have the surface object be in the video memory instead and have hardware accelerated polygon drawing? Or will you keep it all in software so stuff like 'Set pixel' still works?
    (Set pixel can in HWA be done by rendering a 'point' of size 1 but it is quite slow'ish)

    It would be *really* nice to have hardware accelerated drawing features. :)

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