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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Well, I said that I'm going to post a beta this night.
    I feel that I should have polished it a bit first, but whatever! Here it is. I'm really tired now and only managed to make one example MFA, which is just a showcase of the speed increase when using a callback fill data instead of fast loops.. check it out.
    I also added an "Export to OpenGL" action in I/O. It lets you export to the currently bound texture. The OpenGL32 library is dynamically loaded when you use the action for the first time, so don't worry about any huge file size increase :)
    It works very nicely, and supports transparent color & alpha channels.
    My results on the example MFA are 0.35 vs 0.17 seconds.

    NOTE: as I stated in the progress thread, it is not compatible with older versions. I've reached the action count limit (100), and had to modify the code for the ID masking (For some reason, ID's were multiplied by 10. I removed that.)... I hope this doesn't affect too much, I know that Werbad had this puzzle application for example :(

  • I second that. Your work is purely amazing here :)

    Playing around with it at the moment. One thing that jumps into my eyes is that the random (256) pixel colour in your example seems to result in a colour between red 0 and red 255. And i don`t really understand why. Shouldn`t a random colour out of 16 million colours look a bit different than just red?

    Which leads me to a first idea. Some more explanations at the top of the dialogues would be neat. Stuff like at the top of the color dialogue, where a info is at the top if hex or rgb or whatever value is needed here :)

    Second idea is of course, don`t forget to add closer explanations in the final examples :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • A small quirk. There is the Select Image condition. As it is now it looks a bit like a action that is accidentally placed into the conditions. Do it, select Image 0. Sounds like an action to me :)

    As a suggestion, what about calling it Image selected?

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • I think i found another quirk. When pasting an image from clipboard the colour black 0/0/0 becomes transparent. There seems to be no way to prevent that. Adding a "set transparent colour to" before pasting has no effect. Adding the "set transparent colour to" after the pasting changes the transparent colour, but leaves the old transparent areas transparent.

    What i would love to see is a option here when pasting from clipboard: As Opaque, Transparent colour, Alphachanneled. :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • Thanks. :)
    random(256) returns a number between 0 and 255.
    Due to the way colors are stored in MMF, GetRGB(x,0,0) is equal to x ;)

    The select image condition works fine :D
    Because the conditions/actions only care for the currently selected image, you could do this to save some events:

    Select image 0
    Image has alpha channel?
    Select image 1
    RGB at (0,0) is equal to GetRGB(255,0,0)?
    Do something

    This event is true when image 0 has an alpha channel and image 1's first pixel is red.

    The condition is not of any use if you're not using multiple images. Thanks for pointing that out, it is now hidden when "Use multiple images" is not checked in the properties.

    I'll have a look at the clipboard bug. I think I know exactly how to fix it.
    Alpha channels would be nice indeed. But I need to write a custom function for that.

    Not sure what you mean with the color dialogues. I can't add a hex display because it's inbuilt in MMF.

    Yeah, the real examples will be better... this was just a showcase anyway!

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  • Thanks Looki :)


    random(256) returns a number between 0 and 255.
    Due to the way colors are stored in MMF, GetRGB(x,0,0) is equal to x wink

    I see. And how do we randomize all colours then? Random(256), Random(256), Random(256) gives no error, but still results in red :)


    The select image condition works fine laugh

    No, that`s not the point. It works indeed fine. It`s the spelling. Condition = if, action = then

    If Select image is 0
    On Select image 0

    would make it a bit clearer and equal the other conditions

    I wish we could attach pictures here. I`ve added a zipfile with a picture to show what i mean. But it is indeed just a very small thing. Feel free to ignore it :)


    Not sure what you mean with the color dialogues. I can't add a hex display because it's inbuilt in MMF.

    The screenshot what i mean is in the second zip :)

  • You don't understand. The select image condition acts like an action, but can be used between two conditions.

    Select image 0
    * Do stuff

    is the same as

    * Set editing image to 0
    * Do stuff

    For colors, you have to use GetRGB().
    E.g. GetRGB(random(256),random(256),random(256)).

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  • Ah, now i get it. Thanks for explanation :)


    For colors, you have to use GetRGB().
    E.g. GetRGB(random(256),random(256),random(256)).

    Something like that as explanation in the expression editor would be great :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • Would it be possible to add radial gradients, and be able to apply these to the alpha channel?

    Also being able to draw other shapes besides rectangles onto the alpha channel would be nice too.

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  • Excellent!

    It runs flawlessly in DX8/9 and Software. Which I was worried about.

    I think it might be conflicting with another extension in my application though, because whenever I close the application it crashes.

    SO, I tried reproducing the error in a blank app by coping the code, but I can't get it to happen by itself.

    I'm going to test it more when I get home, but the other (Image) extensions being used are:

    -Active Picture
    -Animated Picture

    I have a feeling that the Animated Picture object is what's causing the problem. I preload a bunch of images into it's cache at runtime.

    I'm planning on loading those images into the surface object, editing them there, then loading them into the Animated picture object after.

    Also it seems the Animated picture object "locks" loaded images where they can't be accessed by other extensions. I hope the surface object doesn't do this as well.

    I'll try this tonight and give the results.

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  • You can send the mfa to me if you want. I can test if it's my object :)
    I added radial gradients, they work flawlessly. Probably posting a new beta within the next 4 hours.

    You can access the Surface object's images. Irrlicht for example will be able to load textures from it in the next version.

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  • Ok well when I take the surface object out the crash stops.

    The crash happens in hwa and software mode.

    The crash doesn't happen if no images or files are loaded at the start of the frame.

    The crash doesn't happen sometimes, it seems random. But one thing is for certain, it does occur if the frame is left riinning for a little while. If it's closed right away the frame crashes.

    The only action I'm performing is to draw a transparent ellipse in the center of the frame.

    I'll send you a stripped mfa later.

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  • Sorry i meant:

    It DOESNT occur if the frame is left running for a little while.

    It won't let me edit the post.

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  • *Offtopic on*

    Ah, so it is not just me that is not able to edit a posting. Kisguri, could you please have a look at the edit settings of the board? Zero seconds edit time seems a bit harsh to me :D

    *Offtopic off*

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  • Will do, as soon as I get a chance to sit down at my computer.

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  • Oh yeah! And another suggestion.

    What do you think about changing the way gradients work.

    Instead of just being able to define two colors, being able to define multiple colors in the gradient and their position in the gradient in the form of a percentage.

    Create Gradient with name "blah"
    Add color to Gradient "blah", getRGB(100,200,150), at 0%
    Add color to Gradient "blah", getRGB(50,50,50), at 23%
    Add color to Gradient "blah", getRGB(0,0,0), at 100%

    And if a color is added in the same position as an existing color the existing color will be replaced.

    And colors in a gradient can also be retrieved via their position or index. Like-

    Get color at position in Gradient "blah" at 0%
    (would return whatever the value of getRGB(100,200,150) is.)

    And Get color at index in Gradient "blah" at 1
    (would return whatever color was DEFINED 2nd)

    Something else that would be cool, but would probably be too difficult to add would be the ability to add patterns to the gradients instead of just colors.

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  • Sorry, that's too much effort. For now that is. I might develop fill data extensions later that you could use with the Surface object. I already hesitated to make the radial gradient one, but I did.
    The gradient one uses the same functions as Quick Backdrop. It's inbuilt.

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