VII - The last one, hopefully

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Thanks!

    Going to test this baby!

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  • Testing too :)

    Mh, i guess it`s a bit too late for requests, isn`t it? Neverteless, i try. More resize options would be great. That was one of the things i have missed badly with the Overlay more than once. Current resize method is nearest from what i can see. Great would be at least linear resizing. And for cubic resizing i would kiss your feet :grin:

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  • Haha, linear resampling is available. It's kind of a hidden feature. Works for rotating too, btw. You have to go to the object properties, the second tab, where you can set the ink effect etc., and check anti-aliasing.
    You can also (de)activate this setting at runtime.

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  • Haha, calling the linear resampling antialias. Now that is really hidden :P

    Hm, just curious, i know that in CG arts downsizing a picture is a common technique to give it a better antialiased look than pure antialias could do. Ends in a super crisp look. Still, this doesn`t work with upsizing. Antialias and linear interpolation are in fact two things. So wouldn`t it be better to call it linear resampling then? :)

    Anyways. Thanks Looki. Now that i found it, lemme play around with it a bit :)

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  • I smell VIII ;)

    Resize resizes the picture. But the surface object canvas doesn`t resize. It stays the original size. See attachment :)

    Mh, antialias seems to really be antialias from what i can tell now. And not linear resizing. The Surface results compared to the results of a linear resized picture in Gimp for example are a bit different. But i cannot be this sure because Surface doesn`t resize too. And so i cannot test bigger resize results to get the typical linear resize patterns.

    Another thing. My english is not the best. But Load from file and Save to file looks a bit odd to me. Is there a reason why it isn`t simply called Load file and Save file? :)

  • Ah, i knew i have read something about resize bug before. You mentioned it in the last thread :)

    So i added a redraw action in the same event where i resized it. Didn`t work. Shouldn`t it work? The order was correct. Then i added a second event with redraw. And now the surface resized.

    Which leads me to the antialias setting. It is definitely not similar to Linear resizing. As you can see in this shot here. I have resized a 2x2 pixel picture in Surface and in Gimp:

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  • Hello, Tiles. Adding a "force redraw" should not fix the bug.
    The linear resizing problem is weird, I'm just using MMF's graphics API, it should work! To prove this, create an Active object with that 2x2 picture and resize it.... looks exactly like in the Surface object.

    I know about some other problems. It's simply something that's not fixed easily. For that reason, I will develop extensions for this object that will be capable of smoother resizing etc., I don't want to add these kind of things to the main object though. It already has become quite large.

    Haha, a few minutes after writing the above I just found a way to fix the redraw bug. :) It will be fixed in the final version (or if there are any other problems, the next beta... :D )

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  • Thanks Looki :)


    Hello, Tiles. Adding a "force redraw" should not fix the bug.

    You`re right. It`s a workaround though :)


    The linear resizing problem is weird, I'm just using MMF's graphics API, it should work! To prove this, create an Active object with that 2x2 picture and resize it.... looks exactly like in the Surface object.

    Yeah, odd, isn`t it? Hm, you`re right. MMF2 does the same with actives. Then i have to call this a bug in MMF2 :)


    I know about some other problems. It's simply something that's not fixed easily. For that reason, I will develop extensions for this object that will be capable of smoother resizing etc., I don't want to add these kind of things to the main object though. It already has become quite large.

    Yeah, i know. There is already lots of stuff onboard. The surface object is a masterpiece at its own. Well, the resizing features was just a request, and worth a try. At least i found two bugs by it, hehe :D

    A resize extension with some proper working methods would really be great :)


    Haha, a few minutes after writing the above I just found a way to fix the redraw bug. smile It will be fixed in the final version (or if there are any other problems, the next beta... laugh )

    Yay :D

    I still think you should go the public beta route for at least one version. There were just a few testers active from what i`ve noticed. The more eyes look at it the more bugs gets catched :)

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  • Is Kisguri going to release this extension in a klikdisk?

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  • Bug for the flash version.

    Flood fill doesn't work. It always fills with white no matter what color is selected.

    Also can you give us the ability to disable anti-aliasing in flash?

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  • Ok, I don't mind anti-aliasing so much.

    It's just that the flood fill doesn't work properly with it on.

    It fills up to the area where the lines are blended with the background then stops instead of re-blending the fill with the lines if that makes sense.

    I guess a work around would be to have two images, one image draws the lines and the other draws the fills. In the fill version of the image the lines are thinner. Then the line and the fill images are blited together after the fill has been applied.

    Quite a workaround there.

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  • I may be wrong, but collisions don't seem to work properly for me. Any objects on top of the surface are detected as touching the surface, even if they are on a transparent part of it. I haven't been following the progress of this extension so I don't know if this is supposed to happen, but it seems like a bug because your scrolling game example doesn't work.

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  • Hello! My scrolling game has to run in HWA - Quite silly of me, but yes, I wanted it to be 100% smooth. :blush:
    I know, if you run it in the standard MMF version, the ship just explodes.

    UrbanMonk, yes, I will have to look for a solution once more - Anti-aliasing does have quite some drawbacks. :(

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  • It doesn't seem to for me. It collides fine with the surface's bounding box, but it seems to ignore transparency. Here's my test file (Please login to see this link.). It seems as though the active object should respond to the blue circles, but it stops as soon as it reaches the edges of the surface.

    It seems like a bug to me, but I'm probably just making a stupid mistake since I'm a bit rusty with MMF right now. :)

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