I am working on complex apps for web.
Vitalize does not work because some text strings are not visible. There are troubles with java (does not seem to work) and now I asked to export to swf for testing. Thanks for exporting to swf. Now I have found some bugs in swf:
• The list view in top right area is showing (marking) the wrong line. E.g. in Frame 2 it should show and mark
line 2 (“Eröffnungsbilanz”).
• In Frame 4 the string text in the left top area (Quartal) is twiced.
• In Frame 4 some string texts (area "Finanzen") are twiced
• In Frame 5 some string texts are not visible
area “Einkaufslager”
area “Produktion”
area “Verkaufslager”
• In Frame 5 some string texts are twiced (area “Finanzen”)
• In Frame 5 user should have the possibility to enter a number (lower string in area “Verkaufslager/Me too”)
into box. After pressing ENTER there sohuld be modification (area “Verkaufslager/Me too” and area “Finanzen/
Kassa/Bank”). It does not work.
• In Frame 6 some string texts not visible
• In Frame 6 some string texts twiced again
• In Frame 6 no drop down boxes visible
• In Frame 7 some texts not visible
• In Frame 7 some texts twiced
• In Frame 8 some texts not visible
• In Frame 8 some texts twiced
Regards, Herbert