Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • This is a major update, the internals of the object were completely replaced but the interface is unchanged.

    The single agent search algorithm is now basic A* so it is much faster than the previous version and can be used in real scenarios now. It will get even faster in future versions, but for now I will be focusing on different aspects of the object to increase its utility.

    Also new now is the ability to iterate over agent paths manually, or invoke path searches without moving actual objects.

    At this stage, it "should" be doing pathfinding tasks well enough for most games. Coming up next are more advanced features, unless I get some bug reports. I hope to build some nice examples as well to show people what is possible.

  • Here is a new version with new and improved bugs :)

    1. We now have properties to construct the map without actions.

    2. This version fixes an issue with large maps (was previously hard limited at an artificial limit).

    3. There is also a fix that allows agents to be added and acted upon in the same event line.

    4. A new action allows paths to be found for individual agents.

    5. Plus a bunch of small things

    BTW, did we get new testers yet?

  • Quote

    improved bugs

    Wohoo! Improved bugs! Now even buggier :D

    Downloaded. I hope to find the time to test a bit today ...

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • We need to constantly update the bug stream so that users don't get bored of the same old bugs. There is only room for so many, so I always have to remove some of the old ones.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Oh, i could live with always the same bugs. Would make betatesting much easier. So don`t do it just for me, hehe ;)

    First small find. Not really a bug, but a name inconsistency. The action Set tile size. Same action retreived from a counter is called Get grid tile size. I would vote for the same name for both. Either both called tile size, or both called grid tile size. Maybe even both called grid size instead :)

    Another thing, also not really important, but could you add a version number to the extension please? Currently when i right click at the extension and have a look at the properties/version tab i just see a blank field. I was unsure if i already had replaced the extension in the mmf folder. That`s why i stumbled across it. Luckily the new version is a bit bigger, so i was able to sort it :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • Okay, i found something else. I have so far:

    set the tile size
    added an agent
    added obstacles
    set objective
    planned a path
    looked at next path node
    and teleport agent

    Well, i can orient to the next path node. But my hero doesn`t teleport to the next path node.

    I need to start movement. Then the teleporting starts to work. But not to the next node, but the next cell in reach. See example file (may i renew my wish that we should be able to attach files to the threads? It`s really not good to share betatest stuff across filehosters)

    To see what i mean download the file, open it, run it, press enter, then the numbers 1 2 3 and 4 above the letterblock. Then press the number 5 to start the movement, and from time to time press number 4 again. My hero active will jump to the last cell then. The calculated path nodes gets ignored.

    Please login to see this link.

    Am i even right with the way i try to use the extension yet? I don`t see a way to reach my goal at the moment :)

    Mh, i have also a feature request. Visible path nodes would be neat. Means we need a way to retreive the node positions or a feature to create a little active at each node. I would even be happy with both :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • Quote from Tiles

    I would vote for the same name for both. Either both called tile size, or both called grid tile size. Maybe even both called grid size instead :)

    Alright, both will now be Set Tile size. "Grid size" may be confused with the size of the whole map/grid.

    Quote from Tiles

    Another thing, also not really important, but could you add a version number to the extension please?

    Do you mean in the file itself? I don't see a version number in MMF. I will probably forget to update it for the minor builds, but I can probably keep it up with the major builds.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Quote from Tiles

    may i renew my wish that we should be able to attach files to the threads? It`s really not good to share betatest stuff across filehosters

    I agree, you (and any other testers) can upload files directly to my Please login to see this link. if you like (that's where I'm tracking all bugs and feature requests anyway).

    I tested you MFA and am not sure what effect you are trying to achieve. But I suppose you want the arrow tile to move over to the green tile. If that's right, then there are a couple of mistakes you made:
    1. You set the objective "of" the goal tile to (0,0) which doesn't really do anything since the goal tile is not an agent. What you want to do is set the objective of the arrow tile to the position of the goal tile.
    2. You were planning paths for the "obstacle" tile, which again doesn't make sense. You need to plan it for the agent (the object that will move).
    3. Typically you won't need to teleport and orient at the same time, you will usually use only one of them. If your object is already a moving object (say have ball movement) then when you orient it, it will just look in the direction of the next path node automatically. To have the object follow the path all the way to the objective, you need to keep using orient as long as the agent hasn't reached its objective. If you use teleport instead, the object will jump one step at a time.

    However, using your example, I think something is wrong with the teleport action, I'm still not sure what exactly but I'll look more into it.

    Quote from Tiles

    Mh, i have also a feature request. Visible path nodes would be neat. Means we need a way to retreive the node positions or a feature to create a little active at each node. I would even be happy with both

    We already have a way to do this, if you go to the advanced submenu you'll find an action to iterate over all the path nodes. At each iteration you can get the X and Y coordinates of the path node. I am working on an example that couples this with the surface object to draw the paths.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • - I mean when you right click at the *.mfx, then choose properties, then version, then normally you can see a version number. But this belongs of course also to the version number within mmf. I would find it useful to have version numbers for the development too. But it`s not this dramatic when it is missing. Just a minor thing :)

    - Thanks for the issue tracker link. Will post future files there :)

    - Thanks for the hints that there are a couple of mistakes i made. Will have a look to adopt it :)

    - So even my wrong approach points to the right bug :D

    Good luck with catching :)

    - Good to hear that there is already a method to retreive the path nodes available. I thought we should ignore this stuff for now though. And so i did :P

    I will wait for the example :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • OK, I'll try to put version information somewhere.

    For the issue tracker, post your registered username here (or PM it to me) so that I can give you access (as this project is hidden for obvious reasons).

    The stuff you should ignore are those in the "Under Development" sub group. The "Advanced" sub group should be working fine.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Here's a new update with minor fixes. Ross's bug and the teleporting bug are still there to keep betatesting easier for Tiles for a while :)

    It should now crash less, work faster (read 'at all') when there are no possible paths, and in general make more internal sense (i.e. the object itself understands what it's doing now).

    Memory utilization has been cut down dramatically, and a lot of unnecessary overhead was eliminated.

  • OK, it appears I have no clue how things are structured here so ignore my previous message.

    Here is version 0.2.3.

    Now using Pharanygitis' icon (although it seems to have lost some pixels when it was resizes to 32x32).

    Fixed Ross's bug as well as the shaking bug where it fails to detect that a unit is at destination.

  • Ah, okay. Thanks. Yes, it`s a bit odd structured. The only two threads i can access is Suface Object thread and the Integrated Path Planning Object Thread. i cannot access the four (maybe even more because hidden?) threads below. I can`t read the general testers guidelines nor anything else in this sub section. Thought that was a known thing. That`s why i thought you want to test it in your inner circle now. Sorry for confusion :)

    Downloading :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

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