[Beta] Flash Fx (Includes SWF zoom)

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • This is an object I'm currently developing for the Flash runtime.
    Just wanted to know how much demand there is, and I already have a ->VERY<- early build of it.

    It will allow you to use quite a lot of Flash's features that are not implemented in MMF's runtime:

    • Blend modes (Similar to ink effects: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Screen...)
    • Filters (Blur, Bevel, Glow, Drop Shadow, Convolution Matrix etc.)
    • Color matrices (Similar to HWA's color coefficients, bit more advanced)
    • Transform matrices for scaling, skewing, and rotation - Might be very useful when applied to the whole frame (E.g. for rotating the camera).
    • Stage scaling (For resizing the SWF)

    Some of the blend modes and stage scaling might be implemented in the next Flash Update. I've reported these features to Francois.

    All these effects can be applied to objects, layers and the whole frame. Like effects in HWA.

    I've made some tests and they work nicely, however, I can't show anything to you right now.

    If you want zoom for your SWF, you can use the current build: Please login to see this link.
    It can't do anything else, though :)

    Start of frame -> Set stage scale mode to "exactFit" should work fine. Edit your HTML file and change the width and height parameters to see the effect.

    By the way, this extension will not work in MMF2 itself. You have to build the SWF to see a change.

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  • I still have to make some design decisions.

    Set blend mode of [Active] to "Add"


    Select [Active]
    Set blend mode to "Add"

    The problem here is that when using, for example, filters, there are a lot of parameters you can set, and then you'd have to specify the Active over and over with the second method.
    However, for a simple blend mode, the first method is more convenient.

    What do you guys think? Would love to hear some input there.

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  • If you can set blend mode of active to add in its properties and call other function through the event editor I don't see why not go with #1.

    In any case, my vote would go to #1.

  • I'm not gonna hack MMF to add a blend mode property to active objects, am I? :D

    I think I'll incorporate both methods, with two sub-menus. "Quick" (#1) and "Advanced" (#2) or so. Quick wouldn't have all the features.

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  • Quote from Looki

    Start of frame -> Set stage scale mode to "exactFit" should work fine. Edit your HTML file and change the width and height parameters to see the effect.

    Any chance you could explain what the other values do?


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    noScale is the default.
    exactFit stretches the whole image without keeping the ratio.
    noBorder stretches the image, keeping the ratio, and making it so big that there are no borders.
    showAll keeps the ratio too, but keeps it small, so there might be borders.

    I've added fullscreen now. Due to a Flash limitation it works quite weird. You can now align the stage as well.

    Add the "On fullscreen request" condition of the Flash Fx object.
    It will be triggered when the left mouse button is clicked (anywhere).
    Then, if you want to *change* the fullscreen state, use "Set display state".

    Good config for scaling (in my opinion):
    Start of frame
    Set stage alignment to ""
    Set stage scale mode to "showAll"

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    Oh, this will overwrite the RuntimeFlash.html file in your Data\Runtime\Flash folder, to allow full screen. Back it up if you have made changes to it before!

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  • noScale seems to work, but content outside the desired app screen size is visible if the flash player is not at the correct aspect ratio.
    exactFit works as expected.
    noBorder works as expected.
    showAll seems to work, but content outside the desired app screen size is visible if the flash player is not at the correct aspect ratio.

    In FullScreen mode it seems that the keyboard becomes disabled. Also is it possible to make it so that the On Fullscreen Request event trigger is able to be customizeable? ie. Select something other than the left mouse button?

    So far so good though.

    Thanks again.

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  • Yes I have thought about that creating custom triggers. Wouldn't be too hard to add.
    However, after reading a bit I found out that it is impossible to get keyboard events in fullscreen:
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    "StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN Sets AIR application or Flash Player to expand the stage over the user's entire screen, with keyboard input disabled."


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  • Quote from Looki

    Yes I have thought about that creating custom triggers. Wouldn't be too hard to add.
    However, after reading a bit I found out that it is impossible to get keyboard events in fullscreen:
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    "StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN Sets AIR application or Flash Player to expand the stage over the user's entire screen, with keyboard input disabled."


    Thanks for the info.

    Bad design decision by Adobe though.

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