Hopefully this is it!
The proper compressed builds, the help file, and the examples. Does this seem OK?
Hopefully, if you guys give it the thumbs up, then it will be out as soon as I've got payments sorted.
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Open a TicketHopefully this is it!
The proper compressed builds, the help file, and the examples. Does this seem OK?
Hopefully, if you guys give it the thumbs up, then it will be out as soon as I've got payments sorted.
The help button doesn't work for me
The Arsenal and Chelsea example is bugged, INI++ reports that the object doesn't exist.
This may be because I'm using the Unicode MMF...
The help button does not work for me either, although the examples work fine. Nice documentation.
Thanks guys.
Yes you are right about the help button. Of course, the format is not chm any more, and it hadn't been changed.
As for your problem CB, that is more of an issue. I've e-mailed Yves. Hopefully he can help me. I don't have MMF2 Unicode, but hopefully it will be an easy fix (I suppose the object name is in Unicode, but the string I input is still in ANSI, so strcmp is failing when it shouldn't. Gr! =P
Pretty much. All the string actions are now wide-character strings.
strcmp is useless on wide-character strings so it would fail anyway need to use more tchar.h!
Hi Chris,
any help in the way to read string from object to unicode plugin??
for example there is some code to know if the user is using unicode plugin so the extension will return a pointer to a TCHAR instead of a CHAR??
or something like that, my question is because WEB Object indeed use TCHAR but it need to translate to char to conventional MMF.
Thx in advance for your help
IIRC there is an internal structure that describes the version of MMF running. Similar to how you detect if you are running TGF/Std/Dev, or a particular build.
Edit: disregard that as it doesn't matter, Unicode MMF uses a separate directory for Unicode extensions, so you know it's unicode at compile time. I remembered wrong.
Unfortunately I have MMF Unicode installed on both computers so I can't test Chart under regular conditions.
Can you try again using the latest version of Ini++ please Chris?
You can get it here: Please login to see this link.
I should have fixed all the Unicode based problems which were stopping this be released. Hopeffffullly this can be released in the next few days!
Anyone else, could you please try too?
And FVivolo, if your extension is not marked Unicode compatible, all given strings will still be UTF8 when passed by GetParam (or whatever it is called). It is only required for looking into internal structures.
Hi Jax,
How do you mark your extension unicode compatible?
any help about this?
Thx in advance
If a non-unicode object is used in MMF2 Unicode, then it just works and MMF converts everything to UTF8 for it. The only reason I needed to convert things is that Ini++ does a lot of digging around in the internal structures, which do change.
If this is not what you want, there is a way to show it really is Unicode compatible, but I don't know it. Ask Yves.
Add this in the GetInfos function :
#ifdef _UNICODE
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
This will allow MMF to know if your extension is a Unicode extension or a non-Unicode
extension. MMF will then convert the strings if necessary before passing them to the
functions of your extension, or after retrieving them.
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i will try to make the changes to web object, since internally it works in unicode but i have to translate to normal char to work with MMF2 dev.
i will try to post next week so any unicode user can try it.
Am I right in thinking that this is only telling MMF that you CAN work in unicode, not that you will be using unicode? If it's not unicode MMF, you'll still have to expect non-unicode strings even if you have this code right?
I don't think so:
QuoteThis will allow MMF to know if your extension is a Unicode extension or a non-Unicode
extension. MMF will then convert the strings if necessary before passing them to the
functions of your extension, or after retrieving them.
Not work on build 256.25
Popup: not for HWA...
on selected standard display mode
Yes as for few builds there is only HWA runtime.
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