Version 0.4 (Release Candidate)

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • New major build, we now have transition profiles when custom transitions are enabled.

    Transition profiles allows us to change between different rules quickly without the need to manually specify the rules each time.

    Testing is still severely lacking, if you know someone that's working on an RTS or RPG that may be interested in helping with the testing please nominate him here.

  • Still lack of testing? I think Clickteam has already hired some more Betatesters. Curious. Makes me wonder what goes wrong then. Maybe you should first find out what makes the current testers stop working instead to hire even more Betatesters, which quits working then too :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • I am not sure who can see which posts, but the beta testers were not just interested in testing this particular object. I have mentioned somewhere that those that can really test this are people that are already working on a project that needs it (like RPG and RTS projects) since building sample experiments for this object is too time consuming for those that don't need it, not to mention that they won't know what to test. That's why I'm seeking RPG or RTS developers to have them take part in the testing (while at the same time making their projects simpler for them).

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Quote

    I am not sure who can see which posts

    That`s the biggest problem. This is already a closed area. But it is even further divided. This leads to you have two threads for your extension. One in the closed area, one in the closed closed area. The ones from the closed closed area may be able to read the commends in the closed area, but i am not able to read their experiences and comments. This makes no sense. Communication is essential.

    And then there are the other hurdles. I cannot attach files. I can`t even edit my posts. This is unchanged even after asking more than once if this can be changed. Those points are basic forum settings. And this is a "professional" section by name ...

    See. It`s not only that i don`t need this extension at the moment. Or that you really need to develop a RTS to test extensions. There is always a way to build a test file. That`s how every game starts anyways. I`m simply tired to work under this circumstances. That`s why i stopped.

    And that`s why any other tester will stop too, sooner or later. Ah, i found a bug, but hey, i would need to upload the screenshot elsewhere, have no clue where to upload my example, can`t edit my post in case i write nonsense in the first try, and have no clue if my bug is already reported in another hidden area. Naah too tired. I will not report it. Somebody else surely stumbles across it too. Maybe he ...

    Sorry when this sounds a bit overdramatic. But that`s how i see it what happens here. At least partially :)

    Free Game Graphics, Freeware Games Please login to see this link.

  • I see what you mean. But I guess you can easily guess that having to post things on two different threads isn't much fun for me either. As far as I know, the new testers can't access these boards (hence the need to double post).

    I have tried to streamline the process for my object at least by giving access to those interested to a centralized issue tracker. But I can't see how else I can help make things easier for the testers. If you have specific suggestions, then let me know.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • There must be reasons for such divisions. For the time being, I will attempt to fix any bugs reported anywhere and make some of my examples available to most private testers.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Hi Mokhtar,

    just to mention great work, i have some question.

    1.- in the Classical Grid Example,you build a situation and run the object and you get to the solution path.

    BUT, if you move the end point to another place and ask to solve the path, its solve but to the same end point setting at the beginning of the test.

    I am doing something wrong?

    Also, i have an idea, maybe you can set the transition in an block of string like

    1: -1, 2
    2: 1, 2

    4: 2, -1


    where L is a line movement with predefined limitation.

    and create multiple objects with predefined transition and called by their names inside MMF.

    Thx in advance


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • In the grid example it finds paths to the new point, it just doesn't erase the old paths.

    I have already built something similar to what you just suggested in version 0.4.1 here. I'll upload it shortly with an example. Check it out and see if it achieves what you had in mind.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Hi Mokhtar,

    1.- i Tried and the classic grid example now is drawing all path and working ok, when you define different ends.

    2.- try to use the chessboard with no success, for instance defining the end to -1,-2 upper and left, and not showing the path, also at the end i define the profile as "horse" and find the path with the "horse" profile with not success.

    Just one comment, sometimes you will need to add so many transitions that will make a long list of events, why don´t you put the profile inside a string and the user will filled using an edit box with multiple line, that will allow in the future to have a file and load the behavior when you need it.

    I will keep trying and let you know.



    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • Quote from FVivolo

    Just one comment, sometimes you will need to add so many transitions that will make a long list of events, why don´t you put the profile inside a string and the user will filled using an edit box with multiple line, that will allow in the future to have a file and load the behavior when you need it.

    You mean in the example MFA or in the extension itself? I think it makes sense to have actions in the extension to save and load the transitions to and from files.

    I am not sure what you are getting wrong in the chessboard example. When you said "for instance defining the end to -1,-2" did you mean that you had only a single transition that goes in this direction, or was that your destination block? This example does not draw the path, it just writes numbers on the tiles on the path.

    In the PDF, the paths you mentioned all had a length of 4, you just added an extra "1" step to the red and blue paths where you started the purple one at "0". But I'm not sure what you are trying to do here? Do you need to generate more than one path?

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Thx for the clarification!

    That was my mistake is that i pressed the right button without being in the chessboard!!!.

    (Sorry the purple path is only 3, drawing one path thinking in another one)

    But another question why you mention is a length of 4 i get only 3

    6 7 --- Start
    4 6
    2 5
    4 4 --- POINT REACHED

    6 7 --- Start
    4 6
    6 5
    4 4 --- END

    6 7 --- Start
    7 5
    6 3
    4 4 --- END

    Concerning that the path is not drawing, but my question is can i ask for the steps or transition to reach point 2 ("4 6" example),
    can it answer me something like, 6 6, 5 6, 4 6? so i can animated the movement of the horse?

    so far its good, i will make some test this weekend and modify a little bit your example. but so far excellent!!!.

    the only thing if is possible to you, change the way you define the profile (that will be great). this will allow to define each independent piece and play chess, checker and some many others.

    i know for experience is not a easy task!!!


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • Quote from FVivolo

    But another question why you mention is a length of 4 i get only 3

    I am counting the start and end nodes. But we're talking about the same thing here.

    Quote from FVivolo

    Concerning that the path is not drawing, but my question is can i ask for the steps or transition to reach point 2 ("4 6" example),
    can it answer me something like, 6 6, 5 6, 4 6? so i can animated the movement of the horse?

    This is not possible with a single profile, since the extension now thinks that this piece can't move single steps. I think the way to do the animation is to check which transition was used each time and look up in an array the steps to make it on the physical board.

    Quote from FVivolo

    if is possible to you, change the way you define the profile (that will be great). this will allow to define each independent piece and play chess, checker and some many others.

    What do you have in mind for this? How would you define them?
    In the current system you can still create a custom profile for each piece you have. However, I don't think "playing" chess or checkers is possible using the object as it only "moves" pieces around obstacles.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Hi,

    I was trying to make and example, but i found some condition and expression that i don´t know if i am using right


    1.- Is Unit X at destination?

    2.- On destination reached by Agent X?

    3.- Agent can reach destination? - return true even is not posible see image


    1.- distance return -1, (i am doing something wrong) should be nice to get the number´s of grid to reach the objetive using the profiles. (in the example return 12)


    1.- I think using a text box it will be the easy way to add them, since you with a single action you will set all the profile you may need.

    for example, the pawn has movement to play and movement to capture --- Please login to see this link.

    so will be nice to write something like this

    @ag:PAWN ---- agent
    @pn:movement --- profile name
    @pt:0,1 --- 1....n path
    @pn:capture --- profile name
    @pt: 1,1 --- 1... n path

    so at the end the user should know if a specific pawn, can capture, can move, etc.

    Add new condition like

    1.- is agent (pawn) with profile (capture) on objective (x,y)?

    2.- Is profile (capture) with agent (pawn) on objective (x,y) possible?

    Waiting for your comments

  • Conditions 2 and 3 on your list are not implemented (which is why they are in the "Under Development" group). I don't think condition 2 serves any real purpose. Condition 1 should work fine for what you want to do.

    Now that you reminded me, I will implement the "Agent can reach destination" condition.

    About the distance, it should do what you want already, but you're using it wrong. The wrong thing is that in your example you assign an objective to an agent but never ask it to find a path for that agent (which is why it won't have a correct distance to report). What you're doing is that you're finding an independent quick path which has nothing to do with the agent except that you are using it's position.

    I don't get your idea about profiles. What is "@pt:0,1 --- 1....n path" ? Can you give a concrete example for how this would work, say for the chess example.

    I don't fully understand your proposed conditions either, but I think that's related to your profiles ideas. I don't see how the profile would affect the fact of whether the agent is at objective or not. For the second condition, I can kind of guess what you mean but please confirm that this is what you mean. Essentially you want a way to check if an agent "can find" a path to objective given a specific profile. If so, then I think it's a good thing to add.

    -Mokhtar M. Khorshid

  • Hi Mokhtar,

    i will:

    1.- try condition 1, following your comments
    2.- check the example and follow your comments concerning the distance.
    3.- i will elaborate a little more my idea and i will send it to you.
    4.- yes the condition applies to the idea of profiles.

    You are right the condition where the "agent can reach a destination" is very important to decide actions in combat or puzzles games.

    Thx again for the hard work!!!


    * Condition 1
    Is Unit at Destination or NOT,need your help i cannot make it work

    * Distance
    Distance i am not able to make it work, can you give me some help??

    i am sending both examples

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