Hi All,
Just thought i'd let you all know that I've recently been accepted as a sponsor by CPMStar
So if anybody wants CPMStar ads in their game rather than Mochi, please let me know and I'll set it up on my account (developers aren't able to add CPMStar ads to their game unless it's been sponsored by a CPMStar approved sponsor).
You typically get a higher eCPM from CPMStar
Payment threshold is $50 ($100 on Mochi)
Ads are all gaming related which normally means more clicks on the ads
More control over ads
Game reports are not as good on CPMStar and pulling reports is a bit slow (you can still use Mochi tracking though)
You can't split the ad revenue between more than 1 person
Another thing to consider is that I will receive 15% of the ad revenue and I won't be able to give this back to you as it will be difficult for me to tell what your game has earnt! HOWEVER this won't affect your share of the ad revenue. Here's a quick comparison on revenue split between Mochi and CPMStar:-
Mochi - 40%
Publisher - 10% (arcade site assuming they're a Mochi affiliate. If not the share goes back to Mochi)
Developer - 50%
CPMStar - 35%
Sponsor - 15%
Developer - 50%
If ofcourse your game is a raging success I will try and work this out with you.
All I ask is that you provide a link back to my arcade site (Please login to see this link.) somewhere on the main menu. I only ask this as part of the conditions of me being approved is that I need to increase my traffic volumes pretty quickly!
Many Thanks,