Bit of an odd question, but is there any way to disable an application from rendering a frame graphically (while still processing all the code/events). Basically a flag of sorts that every frame could either be rendered or not? Particularly in HWA runtimes.
Right now the best thing I've come up with is setting the opacity for a frame to 255, but I have a feeling that its still drawing the frame and thus taking up all the delay that graphics would slow down a GPU by- just drawing it all and making it invisible.
I don't especially need this since the only place I'm using it in my project is a dummy frame that processes a single frame before turning to the engine's frame, but I've always wondered if theres a feature or extension I'm forgetting. At any rate, it would let me check the CPU load of my game at framerates unconstrained by my GPU.
And er, particularly I mean- skipping drawing frames and using the display from the previous frame. If I just disable the visibility for all layers of a game, that will erase the previous frame and replace it with blank black display. So if I wanted to have my game skip to a different frame and then back, it would be very noticeable. Its easy enough to make the game invisible, but disabling the game from refreshing the application's texture doesn't seem easy