Hey @all,
i have made a "gamewall" for flashgames. You can easy add/post your games on the "wall".
Fill out all informations an wait a littlebit for "certificate/release" !
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You can set:
Here the link to the GameWall:
Please login to see this link.
Post direct to wall:
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Please login to see this picture.
Example for the add-form:
Name of the game Fresh Burger
Name of the company Nijumi Games
Description A skill game with a sense of humor! You have to serve as much customers possible within a given time limit.
Link to small thumbnail ( 100 x 100 px ) Please login to see this link.
Link to big screenshot ( 640 x 425 px ) Please login to see this link.
Link to the game ( Direct-Link to the swf! ) Please login to see this link.
Link to the game ( NOT direct-Link to the swf! ) Please login to see this link.
SWF-Width and Height 640 x 480
Please help me, to fill the "wall"