I am having an issue doing a good touch command for movement using our own movement engine. Basically have this command.
Repeat while left mouse is pressed
+ Mouse pointer is over object
= Move the character.
Now that works just fine, until i press on the shoot button. Once i press on the shoot button. which is using Fusion built in touch buttons. The character stops moving. So basically the above command stops working, and i have to release the screen and press it again.
So basically i need to be able to be holding the move button and be able to press the shoot button and the character should still be able to walk. I am not using the Fusion Joystick. I am using my own movement buttons.
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here is the 2 lines of code that i have. So i am pretty sure i have to correct the movement line for it to continue to accept that line while the shoot button is pressed. Anyone can give me a better way that i should do this. Thanks
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