Be able to do real time collaboration by allowing you to have your project on a server and when you edit anything in the project it updates it in real time.

Most wanted/least wanted in MMF3
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Be able to do real time collaboration by allowing you to have your project on a server and when you edit anything in the project it updates it in real time.
Woah! That's quite a big feature request! Real-time sync is a pretty involved feature and would have to be implemented from day 1. It would require a bunch of networking code and a rethinking of how the save format is set up.
Alternatively it involves a very good internet connection and streaming, which is something that Clickteam could do a whole lot more easily I'd imagine (at the very least it means that Clickteam could implement it later if they so choose).
Francois told me once that MMF3 will be integrated with GIT so don't worry about that.
No, you'd still have the same issues underneath (think about multiple people wanting to look at different things). The infrastructure would have to be such that the editor just mirrors a central server. Streaming video means the server has to render every single view for each client, instead of each client doing the rendering themselves.
EDIT: Git integration would be amazing. Text-based files for merge conflicts? Beautiful.
Salamanderpants: Did not know that, but will these values be saved to the next time?
No, it will not affect the values stored in the object(s) properties.
• Search for fastloop
- or don't reset find settings while switch between frames or projects
- and search even through closed eventgroups• Bookmarks in the eventeditor that remains (maybe saved in the mfa)
This would speed up my development process immensely.
If these exist native, please tell me.. I've seen some devs use hacks for it. -
Hi tompa,
I requested the bookmark function here Please login to see this link.
That would also speed up my development.- I would like to filter events by a certain group, so that it only show events that activate/deactivate a group. Sometimes I want to delete a group but I'm not sure if any other lines of code are dependent on it, and it's really risky to not know. You could delete a group and realise 4 weeks later that the group was neccessary to do something that you hardly ever need, then it's too late to revert. The bigger the project the more common this is.
1. Sub events
2. Better movements such as pathfinding, set angle towards position, sine behaviour etc. I'm not very familiar with the math required to do these types of movements and it would be fantastic to have them built in. Also, relying on extensions to achieve these things can severely hamper cross platform development
3. Customize-able collision masks
I don't know if was said but will be Qualifiers/Groups allowed on Global Events and Behaviors? Or we will have to do the same trick , create and naming every object with the group name to use them(is a pain but works...) ?
Thanks ryan. I only searched the thread, I should have searched in the forum as well.
matriax what trick is that?
matriax what trick is that?
Create a new object and callit equal that a Qualifier/Group. For example : Group.Obstacles.
In Globat Events or Behaviours if you try tou use Qualifiers the program will say that is not posible because have some Qualifier reference... so instead use the object with the same name.
Example: Start Of Frame > Group.Qualifiers(The object you created with the same name) > Destroy.
And will work without problems.
So, If using this trick you can use all the qualifiers/groups you want in global events and Behaviours.... ¿Why the hell is not allowed by default?
It's not allowed by default because it's buggy and unstable.
Well, then, will be great some "Warning" message saying that "is not recomendable",etc... but no deny.
I made my last games using that and after know some things that how manage to work correctly is perfect.
Meaning: I can put all the motor of the game in Global Events and other in behaviours(to not saturate the globar events with things that only are used one time or similar). And in each frames only put things that only happens on that frame. Now all is more readable and easy to edit.
So for the MMF3 will be great an option to enable the use of Qualifiers in GLobalEvents/Behaviours at the start of first time applicatcon or an advise when you try to use qualifiers in one of that sites and a "check" to say allow and not reminder.
Edit: You say it's not allowed by default, this means there is another opction to remove this message? Will be great to know and avoid the pain of creating objects with the same name.
fusion 3 is being rewritten from scratch, it's a completely new software...
it will not have any of the fusion 2.x "fails" -
Create a new object and callit equal that a Qualifier/Group. For example : Group.Obstacles.
In Globat Events or Behaviours if you try tou use Qualifiers the program will say that is not posible because have some Qualifier reference... so instead use the object with the same name.
Example: Start Of Frame > Group.Qualifiers(The object you created with the same name) > Destroy.
And will work without problems.
So, If using this trick you can use all the qualifiers/groups you want in global events and Behaviours.... ¿Why the hell is not allowed by default?
that is quite a workaround, but i would stay away from that kind of thing.
Create a new object and callit equal that a Qualifier/Group. For example : Group.Obstacles.
In Globat Events or Behaviours if you try tou use Qualifiers the program will say that is not posible because have some Qualifier reference... so instead use the object with the same name.
Example: Start Of Frame > Group.Qualifiers(The object you created with the same name) > Destroy.
And will work without problems.
So, If using this trick you can use all the qualifiers/groups you want in global events and Behaviours.... ¿Why the hell is not allowed by default?
Why is it not allowed by default, you ask? Bugs. Many, many bugs. There was originally another work-around that let you do it, but Clickteam patched it because, unless you really know what you're doing, it can cause severe issues (not the work-around, but the qualifiers in global events and behaviors themselves), from my understanding. I think I remember hearing that it's basically because MMF2/CF2.5 basically had to use work-arounds to get global events, behaviors, and qualifiers working, and, from my understanding, those work-arounds conflict with each other heavily, at least when combined in certain ways. -
Why is it not allowed by default, you ask? Bugs. Many, many bugs. There was originally another work-around that let you do it, but Clickteam patched it because, unless you really know what you're doing, it can cause severe issues (not the work-around, but the qualifiers in global events and behaviors themselves), from my understanding. I think I remember hearing that it's basically because MMF2/CF2.5 basically had to use work-arounds to get global events, behaviors, and qualifiers working, and, from my understanding, those work-arounds conflict with each other heavily, at least when combined in certain ways.
Yes, i know actually, one before you explained that, bugs, errors,etc... days ago.... -_- .
Again, i used it in my last two games, the last one Inkanians (Please login to see this link.) released today. Also i'm doing another game more big using that Mighty Retro Zero with a lots of references to qualifiers in global events,etc...
Well, i don't know if is me, but i use qualifiers in global events, Behaviours, frames,etc... and all seems to work fine , for that my question ¿Can somebody give me an example of crash/malfunction/bug using qualifiers in global events/behaviours? Maybe i learned to avoid that in the firsts tests or when i started to learn MMF2, i don't know, but as i'm saying i have 2 games finished, one in development and i go to start another using the trick because make me all the code much easier, readable and fast to edit.
Yes, i know actually, one before you explained that, bugs, errors,etc... days ago.... -_- .
Sorry about that.
QuoteAgain, i used it in my last two games, the last one Inkanians (Please login to see this link.) released today. Also i'm doing another game more big using that Mighty Retro Zero with a lots of references to qualifiers in global events,etc...
Well, i don't know if is me, but i use qualifiers in global events, Behaviours, frames,etc... and all seems to work fine , for that my question ¿Can somebody give me an example of crash/malfunction/bug using qualifiers in global events/behaviours? Maybe i learned to avoid that in the firsts tests or when i started to learn MMF2, i don't know, but as i'm saying i have 2 games finished, one in development and i go to start another using the trick because make me all the code much easier, readable and fast to edit.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard specifics on just what the issues with it are, exactly. So I honestly don't know what sort of issues can come up when doing that.
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