Well, DarkSocket EXE supports all WinSock protocols, so if I make one for Flash, it'll support all Flash protocols
But with a lack of threads it'll be completely different to the EXE version.
That was promising! as long as the exe version is concerned, the posibility of a p2p conection was made possible the moment the activeX object was added to the list of MMF extensions. Certain behavioural problems makes it very difficult to reach and convince public in using an exe file which is to be installed. This problem was thought to be solved by vitalize. But the flash addon itself proves the degree of the existing disapointment from the vitalize. Flash has dominated a behaviour amoung public which is very hard to change and I think if you make one for the flash applications it will be very appritiated. I am reday to chip in and I am sure there are many others who are willing to have the same feature.