Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi everyone,

    The build #253 is available.

    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link.

    Reminder : this patch program updates :

    - MMF2/MMF2 Dev
    - the SWF exporter
    - the iOS exporter
    - the Unicode version

    Let us know if any problem.

    Thanks !


    EDIT: in case of any unexpected issue in this build, you can reinstall a previous version :
    - Please login to see this link.
    - Please login to see this link.
    - Please login to see this link.
    - Please login to see this link.
    - Please login to see this link. (after re-installing the build 251 you will have to re-install the SWF/iOS exporters and the Unicode version).

    Fixes and new features in the iOS runtime

    Here is the list of bug fixes and new features for the ones who didn't take part to the beta tests. Remember you can access the beta test forums when you enter your serial number in your Settings in the forum.

    - iOS runtime : new Camera object (only for MMF2 Dev). Note: it seems there is a crash with this object on iOS5, a fix will be released in the beta test forums asap.
    - iOS runtime : new Game Center objects (only for MMF2 Dev).
    - iOS runtime : new automatic Portrait and Landscape modes.
    - iOS runtime : mew property to disable smooth filtering when upscaling the window on the device.
    - iOS runtime : new iOS Store expressions to get error message and number, product quantity.
    - iOS runtime : Multiple and Single Line Edit Boxes, new "password" property.
    - iOS runtime : Active Picture object is now ported. Can load images from XCode resources and URL (starting with 'http').
    - iOS runtime : Added iOS system info and localization expressions to the iOS object.
    - iOS runtime : automatic release of unused texture resources over a timeframe of 15 seconds.
    - iOS runtime : the entire game data file is now memory mapped by iOS (uses much less memory when loading).
    - iOS runtime : crash on devices under iOS5 when evaluating a double precision constant.
    - iOS runtime : floating point text formatting bug
    - iOS runtime : better handling of sounds pause and restart when the application is interrupted by a phone call or put in the background
    - iOS runtime : Get sample volume, Get channel volume returned an incorrect value.
    - iOS runtime : Paste into background had no effect on collisions.
    - iOS runtime : Xmouse and ymouse now report correct values even with multiple touches at once or if you press the virtual joystick at the same time.
    - iOS runtime : some movements (like Pinball) had problems getting and setting movement values.
    - iOS runtime : the Clickteam-movement-controller object was not properly included in final projects, causing crashes at runtime.
    - iOS runtime : bug with object transitions that wouldn't show.
    - iOS runtime : Fade to color not working properly on object transitions.
    - iOS runtime : corrupted joystick images.
    - iOS runtime : character encoding was wrong for non-english characters.
    - iOS runtime : iAD going weird when changing frames.
    - iOS runtime : Double click/tap was not detected.
    - iOS runtime : subapps could get misaligned when containing an object with fade-in transition
    - iOS runtime : subApps would draw way too much (should only show whatever was inside the window size).
    - iOS runtime : destroying a sub-application object could cause crashes.
    - iOS runtime : joystick values were not available in sub applications.
    - iOS runtime : Array object, saving of a text array was incorrect, resulting in a crash later when reloading the array
    - iOS runtime : Active Backdrop Object : Hide action had not effect.
    - iOS runtime : Counter object, crashes in certain cases.
    - iOS runtime : Counter gradient order bug.
    - iOS runtime : Hiscore and Input object dialog bug on iOS5.
    - iOS runtime : List object now handles load and save of a list (not file or directories though)
    - iOS runtime : Multiple and Single Line Edit Boxes, exiting the frame while the keyboard was shown resulted in a crash.
    - iOS runtime : the Windows Control object is now supported (only a few features are implemented on iOS).
    - iOS runtime : INI Object : spaces before and after the key string are now trimmed.
    - iOS runtime : INI files wouldn't find keys if there was a space character before the '='.
    - iOS runtime : iOS Store change: you must now request product information before requesting a payment. This is due to a change in iOS5 that requires this now. It should be fully compatible with iOS4.
    - iOS runtime : iOS Store : crash when getting several product responses.
    - iOS runtime : iOS Store not triggering some conditions.
    - iOS runtime : iOS Button object on Windows : the "selected" picture was used instead of the "hilighted" picture (as in iOS) when the button was down.
    - iOS runtime : iOS Button : mix up in the images, resulted sometimes in an invisible button.
    - iOS runtime : iOS object, iOS5 removed the ability to get the unique device identifier so this action is also gone from the iOS object. People who use it already will just have an empty string returned from now on.
    - iOS runtime : Joystick Control Object : Set Y Button 2 used to change the X Position of the button.
    - iOS runtime : MultiTouch object not working in subapps.
    - iOS runtime : MultiTouch object would mess up the coordinates if used when scrolling the frame.
    - iOS runtime : MultiTouch object, GetDeltaY returned GetDeltaX.
    - iOS runtime : MTRandom Object, Get Rand Int returned -1.
    - iOS runtime : MTRandom Object : maximum value in Get Rand Int was increased by 1.
    - iOS runtime : MTRandom crash when using specific numbers.
    - iOS runtime : AGBO object crashing at random (memory corruption).
    - iOS runtime : Q&A and Hiscore objects, fix in input dialog orientation.
    - iOS runtime : Platform Movement Object deceleration bug

    Fixes and new features in the SWF runtime

    - Flash : new MP3 filter that allows you to use your own MP3 sounds in your SWF applications. I.e. you can now import MP3 files as you would import other sound files, these sounds will be copied directly to the SWF file without conversion.
    - Flash : new Windows Control object for compatibility with other runtimes (only expressions that return the size of the screen are enabled).
    - Flash : Flash player object, new expression Get System Language.
    - Flash / Layer object : set x/y position by index or name worked in the wrong direction (new in build 252 beta 2).
    - Flash / Active System box, Background System box : when building a SWF unicode application, these objects could crash or display incorrect text.
    - Flash : it was not working anymore when you run MMF2 with Wine. To allow it to run, just put a "wine.ini" file in the MMF2 directory. MMF2 will detect it and will build SWF files with a specific build routine.
    - Flash : Layer object, set layer XY, set layer XY by name had a reverse effect.
    - Flash : Sub-Application "Pause" and "Resume" didn't work.
    - Flash : Edit box object : Text modified flag used to be reset after a condition "Is modified".
    - Flash : Edit box object : this object now supports Embedded fonts.
    - Flash : Edit box object : Set background color had strange effects, like changing the case of the text.
    - Flash : keyboard buffer is no longer cleared between frames.
    - Flash : platform movement on certain games, refused to jump while moving to left or right.
    - Flash / Combo Box object : the first item of a combo box was not displayed in the edit zone
    - Flash / Hiscore object : "Hide on start" properties have an effect now.
    - Flash / Flash Player object : new "Mouse is within window" and "Application has focus" conditions.
    - Flash / Flash Player object: Open URL is not blocked anymore by the popup blocker of the browser
    - Flash / Flash player object, new expression Get System Language.
    - Flash / FLV object : FrameRate expression has been renamed to VideoFrameRate (conflict with Frame Rate expression of the Storyboard object).
    - Flash : joystick buttons not working when an object has a Mouse movement.
    - Flash : preloader properties : after changing the image coordinates you couldn't set them back to -1 anymore.
    - Flash : applications are compatible with 3rd party loaders (not only Mochi live update)
    - Flash : the collision mask of small rotated zoomed objects was incorrect.
    - Flash : Sub applications moved erratically during scrollings.
    - Flash : Array object, compare to string with an empty value always returned true.
    - Flash : crash when destroying certain types of objects.

    Fixes and new features in the Java runtimes

    - Java : crash when destroying certain types of objects.
    - Java : the Background System Box could crash or display incorrect text in a Java unicode application.
    - Java : MTRandom did not take properties into account.
    - Java Mobile : new Windows Control object for compatibility with other runtimes (only expressions that return the size of the screen are enabled).
    - Java Mobile : Set Y Position now works correctly in drag & drop movement.

    Fixes and new features in the Windows runtimes

    - Active Backdrop object : new object that allows you to display and move an image from an internal image list in the background of the application.
    - Animation object : crash when Next frame / Previous frame / Go to frame action without setting the animation file.
    - Double Precision Calculator : values between -1 and 0 were incorrectly formatted.
    - Draw object: crash in Mode expression.
    - INI object : new "Create INI file in Application Data directory" property. When this option is selected and you enter a filename without pathname, the file is created in an MMF Applications folder in the user's Application Data directory. refer to the documentation for more info.
    - PC runtime : Compare to global string with an expression only refered to string #0.
    - PC runtime : Direction of animation with Automatic rotation was not always correct (seeable with path movements).
    - PC runtime : Run External Program is now able to launch apps that require admin privileges.
    - PC runtime : the Load Frame Position action sometimes reported a disc error for no reason.
    - PC runtime : the Drag & Drop movement was not compatible with Save Frame Position / Load Frame Position.
    - PC runtime : random crash at the end of frame when several instances of the same global object have different alterable strings.
    - PC runtime : problem with Pause after the application is minimized.
    - PS Runtime : added a RFUNCTION_GETCALLTABLE to get a pointer to the conditions/actions/expressions call tables (for ext. developers)

    Fixes and new features in all the runtimes

    - All runtimes : a pause in a path movement inhibited the animations until the next chunk of movement.
    - All runtimes : Animations at start of frame could skip a few images
    - All runtimes, InAndOut movement : animations stopped when the object was stopped
    - All runtimes : Bullet, Platform, 8 directions, Race car movements, a destroy action on an object with a disappearing animation in a "out of frame" or "collision" event could crash.
    - All runtimes : Circular movement, set Radius used to set the radius to zero.
    - Non-PC runtimes : the collision detection with static objects was not called at every loop, causing multiple collision detections.

    Fixes and new features in the editor

    - HWA : this version includes the features of the HWA version (Direct3D modes, shaders, frame and layer effects, etc). The HWA version has been deprecated and is automatically removed by the installer. More info about the HWA features in the HWA section in the Help file. Note: this doesn't concern the Unicode version of MMF2, this version is still a non-HWA version.
    - Property window : color problem in high contrast color modes.
    - Event editor : crash in Activate/Deactivate Group dialog box if the frame contains more than 1000 groups.
    - Event editor : when editing a zone in conditions like Pick Object From a Zone, the zoom coefficient of the frame editor is automatically set to 100% otherwise this causes bugs in the zone editing.
    - Unicode version : some non-Unicode 3rd party objects could have a bad name after being inserted in the frame editor.
    - Unicode version : some non Unicode objects, especially the objects built with the EDIF SDK, could have a weird name in the Insert Object dialog box.
    - Unicode version / SWF and iOS exporters : the Unicode version of the objects specific to the SWF and iOS exporters was not installed by the exporters, by mistake. They are installed by this patch and the new versions of the exporters. In theory there should be no problem, but please check the settings of the FLV, iOS Button, iOS Multiple Edit and iOS Single Edit objects after loading Unicode applications that contain these objets.

  • Hi,
    I am having an issue with the new build (253), when I build as an SWF. I have the following event in 251 and it works perfectly. In 253, it does not work at all. Here it is:

    Global value A = 2 (or any number really)
    Countdown of date and time object < 1 second
    Show subapp
    Set position of subapp
    Jump to frame #4

    Any suggestions why this would happen? The code was not changed in any way before building the SWF in the new version.

  • Does this version ask for a serial number?...I've moved into an apartment temporarily and all my original documentation is in storage. I'm currently running V251. The about dialogue doesn't display my serial number for reference.

  • Does this version ask for a serial number?...I've moved into an apartment temporarily and all my original documentation is in storage. I'm currently running V251. The about dialogue doesn't display my serial number for reference.

    All versions ask for a serial number. Please contact Jeff at Clickteam by PM to obtain your serial number and note that you will need to be able to prove your purchase in some way.

  • I CAN go into storage to get the original cd case with the serial number but just wanted to know before I attempted to install what I was looking at. And proving my original purchase would be quite difficult because I bought this so many years ago I have no idea where any of THAT information is!

  • Brett, could post an example? I can't reproduce this problem at all, it must depend on some specific settings or other things in your application. Thanks.

  • Yves If I had any problem and necessary re- install to previous build, can I install it without press CTRL+SHIFT?

    The CTRL+SHIFT option works only in the installer of exporters. When you reinstall an update patch it always updates everything.

    For the others, the new MMF2 update patches don't ask you for the serial or the CD, they just need an Internet connection.

  • Hi Yves and Francois,
    I think I have figured out the problem but I'm not sure why it occurs or how to fix it. Since the event changes two global values, it appears that it is changing the second global value before changing the first. This is a problem in sequence with the program because the 1st global value allows the subapp to appear and the second decides which part of the subapp appears. If the second changes first, it affects a downstream event and the subapp does not appear. This was not an issue in the earlier build (251). The program is kind of large (and fairly complex) so I don't know how to break it down to a small enough size to be posted on the forum file archive and still maintain the problem. Is there another method to send? Thanks,

  • Hi,

    doing some testing i found this crash and i came with this question

    1. What is the limit size for a string object?

    i have a crash when fill the first paragraph and try to run, is an empty frame with a string object and paragraph 1 with a html page

    here a put the mfa

    Please login to see this link.

    If someone can test for me to and corroborate

    Thanks in advance


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • Hmm, some constraints in the initialization data of the objects limits the maximum total size of the paragraphs to about 65 Kb. I'm not sure if we can fix it easily in a future build, I'll check.

    At runtime modifiable strings are not limited in size, for example you can load a 1 Mb text in an edit object and copy it to the modifiable string of a string object.

  • Hi Yves and Francois,
    I think I have figured out the problem but I'm not sure why it occurs or how to fix it. Since the event changes two global values, it appears that it is changing the second global value before changing the first. This is a problem in sequence with the program because the 1st global value allows the subapp to appear and the second decides which part of the subapp appears. If the second changes first, it affects a downstream event and the subapp does not appear. This was not an issue in the earlier build (251). The program is kind of large (and fairly complex) so I don't know how to break it down to a small enough size to be posted on the forum file archive and still maintain the problem. Is there another method to send? Thanks,

    That sounds weird... unless you change a value in a normal condition and the other one in an immediate condition? As immediate conditions are evaluated out of the event loop. I don't think Francois has modified things in the event loop though. Must be something else.

    Could you zip your application and upload it somewhere (dropbox or file sharing web sites), and send us a link?

    EDIT: we will probably release the build 253 as it is anyway, as nobody else has reported a similar issue with it although it's used by lots of beta testers. Unless you can very quickly send us your application.

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