What are you working on?

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Customary to some of the forums I've been to, there is usually a thread where members will share progress on what they're working on and it can sometimes become a starting point for collaborations or further discussions.

    So I'll start.

    During my break today, I plan on installing Blender so I can learn it. I've used other 3D programs but Blender is looking really good. My goal is to learn how to navigate the interface as it's got a bazillion buttons and options and maybe create a couple of shapes with a texture applied to it.

    So, what's everyone working on?

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  • I actually have an iOS game coming out soon :)

    Its called Bust!

    You play against a dealer and try to guess if your next card is higher or lower.
    Can you get more cards on the table then the dealer or will you bust!

    Screenshots here are old as Nico has made me some awesome new cards to put into the game.
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    Please login to see this link.I will have 2 models on this game for iOS -- one with iAds and one for sale without iAds.
    It will be interesting to see which model works out better, but I don't expect to earn any real money from this simplish game.
    (but the game is pretty fun for awhile)

    I also have produced this game with just the basic objects so it can easily port over to Android when the time comes.

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  • I'm working on the Luna game in my blog. Only the final chapter is left to make for the main story, but Ive been feeling really tired and lazy and havent done it even after quite a while, I havent done anything with the game. DUring that time Ive been making videos of my rpg maker pokemon thing, which doesnt seem to take as much effor or brain power.

    Spiritia: Spirit of Friendship: Please login to see this link.

  • Jeff, it's looking good. I love seeing progress screen shots, it's very inspiring.

    Pookasnooks, I have a game that I've been wanting to make for many years now and it's the time and knowledge/skills I am lacking. RPGs are cool and I hear you about not working on a game for a while. I have a game I started at the beginning of the year as a sketch then as a simple illustration but never really gave it the time to complete. I might try to restart it again this December where things slow down a bit and post screen shots.

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  • I promised myself my Luna game will eventually get finished though. Cause you see, I was gone from my rpg thing for over a year actually, but then I came back to it. So it doesnt matter how much time goes by, what I need is to be in the mood! And I really like the game and want to finish it, so my will is there.... :)

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  • I'm working on a iOS game called flick and spell. Fast paced (very short timer) unscramble type word game that should be done this week. After that I'm doing some major over-hauls on Jazz21.

    Kevin Gunn (Tuna) - Hey! Check out MechaBall on iTunes by scanning below!

  • mikec, that's pretty cool you've got your next game done and another one in the works. My approach is basically when I can. This one game I have needs a solid weekend to get the art and animations working. I have most of the events and actions working ok using placeholders. I hope to get that one out by mid December BEFORE the App store closes for a week.

    However for now, just learning the Blender interface is challenging enough...so many buttons.

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  • Well the game has been finished for a few weeks but I held it back as I wanted to see how iAds v paid worked out on the other app. Based on what I have learnt so far, paid version first until sales bottom out then a free ad supported version.

    I find the graphics is what takes me longer, I seem to be back and forth between mmf and adobe fireworks making little changes. I have a bad habit of starting a new game making it look good without even adding a single event, then sitting there wondering how the game is actually going to work:)

  • I'm working on a series of mini card games for Flash & Android, 2 standard exe games, and a commissioned game.
    I hope Jeff's Bust will not be like a mini-card game that I've already started making. :O

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  • I always have different things floating around I fiddle with. I've been working primarily on Crabby's Super Jelly Smash for probably over a year now lol. Which is kind of sad, because it's not even a complex game. I also had started Finch Fight which is basically a joust game. I have a simple demo of the basics on The Daily Click. My problem is I have spurts of inspiration periodically, then everything goes on hiatus, so I'm pretty bad about getting anything done in a timely fashion :|

  • I'm working on a item dropper game called Tree of Nom where you collect sweets and avoid veggies.

    Also I've begun work on a game called Penguin Power in which you play as a communist penguin trying to overthrow the polar beargeoisie, and you club seals. The gameplay style is loosely based off of The Adventure of Link. It should be a pretty decent game :)

    Both are Flash games, also.

  • This thread is getting exciting. It looks like there's a lot going on.

    As for me, I installed Blender and I am looking at trying to add a texture to some objects. It's a bit weird because they use a right mouse click to select.

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  • I am tackling After Effects to cut a promo movie for my latest game Slayin (currently a Flash game hosted on my website). With luck I will be able to put the movie up over the weekend and then continue trying to port Slayin to XNA. I have gotten some sponsorship offers for the game, so I need to look into those as well to get Slayin on more game portals. ^_^'

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  • Not sure what i am working on next, just finished my latest two simple iOS apps last week (some very late nights :) - both in time for Xmas.

    Working on a new MMF book, which will have a nice new object for people to use, and i am making some stuff/games to go with it.

    Still considering my options on what actual game that i will make... I want to make a iPad game but still thinking about my options... will be starting soon whatever it is :)

    Was thinking about getting poser as well for some graphic scenes, but not sure if i have time to learn it yet.

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  • I recently decided to try and collaborate with another member here to create a game that I have wanted to do for some time now. So far so good! It' s a new experience working with someone else.
    Funny thing is that from the engine I have been working on for this game a game I realized that I will be able to use this same engine (but with a few adjustments) for some other game ideas I have.
    Its been a real challenge because I don't want to use any extensions and I'm working with many instances of different actives that all have to work together, collide, etc.

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  • Well here's what I learned how to do in an hour and a bit all by myself. I know what I want to do, I just don't know what buttons to press ;)

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    Again, the interface is a bit different. In most programs I press Ctrl-S to save a file. In this program it's Ctrl-W. In some of my programs, Ctrl-w closes a window.
    It will take me a while to use the right-mouse button to select. I instinctively use the left-mouse button to select.

    Now I need to figure out how to add a texture and some lights.

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