Ok, here's what I've got right now. Controls that look like this:
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A left button. Right Button. And the built in control buttons (1 and 2).
So obviously the left and right buttons need to operate in a typical fashion. Holding them down will result in the player moving left or right. In my case holding left or right will add or subtract to a counter where negative values move him to the left and positive to the right.
Right now I was using the built in fire buttons for shooting and jumping.
For the left and right arrows, which are active objects, I have it set like so:
-Repeat while mouse button pressed
-repeat while mouse pointer is over arrow button
+add to counter
So that he stops when you release I have:
-mouse pointer is not over left arrow
-mouse pointer is not over right arrow
+add/subtract to counter towards 0
On PC this expectedly causes him to keep moving even if you're not holding the button down, you have to move the pointer from the left/right arrow object. But it ended up happening when testing on the device in a different way. Instead of removing your finger and it deactivating, he keeps walking as if the pointer is still over the object. If you tap somewhere else it then moves the 'pointer' and he comes to a stop.
Now, the bigger problem is that if you are holding the jump button (I have an adjustable jump where he goes higher as you hold the button) the arrow buttons won't respond. If you are already 'holding down' the arrows, the jump will respond just fine.
The other problem I'm having is that it will not reposition the built in fire buttons. I used -start of frame +set button positions to ____ but they just sit where they usually do.