The second beta after the official release of the build 253 is available, there was a problem in the new feature that allows you to use objects that aren't supported by the target platform, MMF2 could crash when you build the applications :
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Note: this installer installs a beta version that is compatible with the XNA and Android beta runtimes (EXE version number =, i.e. if you are an XNA or Android tester and you install this beta version you won't lose the ability to build XNA or Android apps.
Bug fixes and new features in Beta 1 and Beta 2
- Date & Time object : the parameter of the Set count down action was not displayed in the event editor.
- Build : important change, you can now build applications that contain incompatible objects. The actions of those objects won't have any effect, the events that contain their conditions are removed, and the expressions return either 0 or "".
- All runtimes : Set animation speed had no effect for objects with a static movement.
- All runtimes : all the actions and expressions that concern the effects (for objects, layers and frames) are now compatible with all the runtimes, so that you don't get build errors. That doesn't mean they have an effect on all the runtimes, they are simply ignored in the runtimes that don't support them.
- Non-PC runtimes including Flash : sometimes the object could keep its previous animation direction.
- Flash : Add, Subtract, Invert, Semi transparency effects are now supported as well as alpha blending and RGB coefficients.
- Flash : Frame and Layer effects are now supported (shaders are not supported though). Note: in the SWF runtime, each layer actually contains 3 layers, one for the backdrop objects, one for the objects displayed as backdrops and one for the active objects. Unlike the PC version the effects are applied to each of these sub-layers.
- Flash : crash with Get pixel shader version and Get graphicc mode. They now return 0.
- Flash / List, Combo Box object : save and load actions now work.
- Flash / Array object : save action now works.
- Flash / INI object : now loads INI files stored as binary files in the application.
- Flash : Resize display to fit window size is now supported
- Flash / String object : now responds to Set transparency action
- Flash / List and Combo Box object : "Set current line" doesn't induce a "selection changed" event anymore, like the PC runtime.
- Flash : pausing an application with the same key as the one chosen for resume had no effect.
- Flash / Combo Box object : "Is list dropped" condition always returned false.
- Flash / Sub application object : new bug since build 253, fake key presses could be reported at start of frame.
- Flash / INI object : spaces before or after a key name made this key unrecognized.
- Flash : Delete created backdrop at coordinate did not delete a backdrop laying at the exact coordinates.
- Flash / Date & Time object : the initial value of a count down was ignored.
Thanks for testing!