Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Join your tiles together. As in rather than placing down a tonne of backdrop objects in small tiles, wherever possible, join them together into fewer, larger objects.

    I'm confused, isn't this quite contrary to the Please login to see this link. for iOS apps? There we're told to split large gfx into smaller pieces to save RAM, but once they're too small we have performance problems.

    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link.

  • I'm confused, isn't this quite contrary to the Please login to see this link. for iOS apps? There we're told to split large gfx into smaller pieces to save RAM, but once they're too small we have performance problems.

    Yes, and I think that probably needs some clarification. Obviously if you're using tons of 640x480 objects, it could cause slowdown if it's causing you to hit the ram limit. But as long as you're good on ram, you are better off using fewer objects. That's what I've gotten out of this anyway.

  • It is a "grey area" when it comes to giving "correct" advice on this.

    jregork is correct: Don't use too large objects, but don't use too small objects either if it means you will get a lot them.
    It takes a while for OpenGL to switch between resources (like different textures). If you have thousands of objects each with different textures (or just alternates between different textures when drawing) you loose a lot of performance.

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  • Yes turning off Fine Detection does make quite a difference (especially when running in Debug rather than Release in XCode)
    Shame there isn't an extra tickbox for No Detection as well as Fine, since some objects just don't need it, eg scaling and rotating graphical effects which must slow it down a bit checking for collisions when they're never used.

    Kevin Ayre Please login to see this link.
    My iOS Apps: Please login to see this link., Please login to see this link. and Please login to see this link.

  • AyreGuitar: MMF2 only checks for collisions between objects where you actually have actions that tests for collisions between them. For backdrop objects no collision testing is made on the ones that aren't set to 'obstacle'.
    So you only need to worry about the objects that are actually involved in collisions events in your game :)

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  • Andos - that's very good to know!
    The only reason I mentioned it, is because I have some scaling and rotating effects objects that caused slowdown on fine detection but speeded up when changed fine detection turned off. Seemed logical to assume a speed increase if had no detection. There are no collision events for these objects - they're just created when an object is picked up. I'll check the events again in case they're part of a Qualifier Group.

    Kevin Ayre Please login to see this link.
    My iOS Apps: Please login to see this link., Please login to see this link. and Please login to see this link.

  • Our game runs very badly and crashes on the brand new ipod touch we bought in december, however works flawlessly on the ipad 2 and iphone 4/4s, not sure about ipad1 performance.

    I believe that the ipod touches still only carry 256MB of ram while iphone 4/2 and ipad 2 has the bigger 512MB, you might be just over the ram limit with your app, remember that iOS takes up like 120 MB of it just to run.

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