Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Here you go:
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    * String properties now load properly
    * New expressions for current layer/tileset and a layer's tileset index
    * Fix for slightly off collisions in some cases, a bug that was introduced in the newest build

    Sadly I've realized zooming is not yet totally perfect in some cases, but it's getting there

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    Edited 2 times, last by Looki: Done with the build (November 19, 2016 at 4:49 PM).

  • Great update, thanks very much! A few minor notes/suggestions as I near finishing the editor:

    1. Retrieving layer visibility state. I already worked around this using properties, but this would be good for when you load the map and have to set the level editor UI to match the visibility state.
    2. Making a foreground and background using "set layers to draw," this works well except if the foreground is set to draw a minimum higher than the number of layers, it'll still draw the top layer. This can be worked around, but the workaround might be prone to creating bugs.

    Here's what I got so far:

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    The amount of functionality this extension has, though, makes me want to go a lot further (using sub-layers and tile tinting would allow some exciting stuff)

  • Nice :)

    I will fix 1) and 2) in a while; it seems they're not too urgent so I will get to them when I have some time to work on the extension again.

    Don't be hesistant on giving feedback regarding some of the more advanced features if you can figure them out. I've been meaning to make all that stuff better, but since nobody urged me to, I never got to it. I had some barebones examples back in the day, not sure if they're still included...

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  • The properties feature of this would be really good as a standalone, by the way. I've never been able to find a dictionary object for CF2.5, and this functions almost exactly like one. Especially the string/string pairs, and being able to look up values by their keys. In my game, I conceded to using global strings to store custom control strings (since alterable strings on objects are limited to 10.)

  • dustingunn, you can use key-value strings with the ini object, or associative array object, or a 2D array x object, or even just using a list object with a delimiter.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • INI files are very slow to write to (since they modify an external text file.) Associative array does seem to be essentially a dictionary, but it's ancient and I vaguely remember Matt Bumder having very unfriendly licenses for his extensions back in the day. The object even gives a big warning when you add it to scene. List with delimiter would be pretty awkward and probably slow since you'd have to do everything at CF2.5's highest level, and we don't have functions that can return in expressions (at least not easily.)

    The setup the Tile Map object has is the nicest I've seen for key/value pairing, is all I'm saying here.

  • Matt had pay-to-use-commercially and free licences, but the associative array is a free one, and only ancient because it's bug-free. If you want to use a List object, a Function object lets you return an expression from events. Or you could use an Internal List object.
    Your call what to pick, and what you like best, but you gave off the impression it was the only object with key-value, so I wanted to set the record straight for future readers.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • You should check out INI++, that extension is quite brilliant for storing data in a readable format. It also has very powerful actions, etc., for all kinds of things. Of course, it doesn't have the problem of immediate file writing/reading like the original INI object.

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  • Hi sorry if the answer to this is obvious but after going through the examples of this extension and reading through the thread I still am lost on how to edit the placement of tiles (I think I need to edit the included .map files but have no idea how to as notepad++ seems to be the wrong tool).

  • This is good extension.
    I have map that is 64000x36000 px big (2000 x 1125 tiles / 32p) with big tileset.
    FPS is always over 500+

    I made some calculations and it takes 37.5 minutes to get from left corner to right corner on speed 16.
    On speed 64 it takes 16.66666667 minutes.

    It consumes 403.0 Mb of memory (and 1.3% of CPU)

    Here is image of the map on 25% zoom: (Warning: this is big image)
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    Some other statistics:
    Using Direct3D 9,
    uses 3-4% of vram,
    Map edited using Tiled Map Editor and it's extension
    and the map is saved with Base64 (zlib compression),
    also the map is 16:9 and divisible by 8 in px,
    CPU is i7-6700, gpu GT640-2GB and 8GB of DDR4 memory

    Edited 6 times, last by robinkooli (December 26, 2016 at 12:55 AM).

  • Got my level editor functional. Been working on other aspects, but now I'm back on some tile-based aspects. Right now I have a collision layer, and there's about 50 lines which reference colliding in the game. Duplicating these (to have more than 1 collision layer) isn't really viable, so I'm wondering if a tagging system is possible for collision (as in tagging layers,) or an event that is "object collides with any layer" and then make a tile viewport that only renders the range of layers you'd want to collide with. I already have multiple, since one displays foreground layers that go above the player, and that works seamlessly. Also, small suggestion, but it could be useful to be able to retrieve the current map name.

  • You should really build your app so that collisions apply in logical places, but should you need to detect collisions on different layers, the easiest solution is to have a separate detector object on the layer you want to collision to happen, and always set the position to match your object. It will act as a collision mask on the correct layer, and collisions can resolve naturally.

    The programming way to do this is compare positions manually, eg, right of object A > left of object B, but left of object A < right of object B, and handle the event that way. This is how collisions are handled by Fusion under the hood.

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  • I thought collision was bugged, since the colliders seemed to lag 1 frame behind the camera, but it turns out you need to handle all collisions before moving the camera. Even with follow frame ticked, it seems to only move colliders at render time, so you must order the camera movement to be last.

  • I released my level editor using this (finally.) Here's the workshop:

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    Here's a tutorial video series if you want to look at some of the features:

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    PM me if you want a steam key to try it out. I'd just post some here but they'd get stolen by webcrawlers.

  • Hey, nice work :) It seems like the videos on the steam page aren't properly embedded, but I was able to find them manually on YouTube: Please login to see this link.

    I never thought about adding a "reorder" feature, but that would be quite easy. I'm supposed to add some features to Tile Map in the next weeks for someone, so let me know if you need anything not too big and I might be able to fit that in too. Also, it seems like I didn't release a new build I prepared with better zoom integration, I should do that soon.

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  • I think for features, being able to retrieve a layer's opacity and visibility setting would be handy, but I worked around it easily enough. The main functionality I'd wish for is further collision options, like "collision with viewport object" like just the layers that the viewport is set to render. right now I use one for background and foreground, but it'd be cool to have another one to allow a range of collisions with graphics.

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