It will be nice to see a more organized site. Mainly have a resources/tutorials section.
Well, we already do have a tutorial/resource section on the Clickteam site, but it needs to be majorly expanded upon. I do agree that it seems counter productive to have to go visit various community websites to get everything you need. There's the widgets and file archives on the forums but a lot of stuff gets buried and you have to go digging for it. There's needs to be a more concise and efficient way to store and distribute this stuff on the website. But I'm very thankful for all the hard work that Nivram, etc put into their helpful websites.
It would be nice if coders would submit there source to Clickteam for free public extensions. Obviously for paid/custom extensions they wouldn't want to do this.
In regards to interface, I don't find it ugly. It's functional and that's all I care about. I wouldn't really want bloat to make things look "pretty".