I'm trying to modify DavidN's fastloop platform movement engine to move multiple enemies at once rather than a single player. I'm doing this by having the two colision sensors( The mask and the detector) jump from enemy to enemy so fast it's as if they're with every enemy at once.
Horizontal movement works fine.
Vertical movement works fine except for jumps. For some reason, enemies can jump if they're standing on platforms, but not obstacle backdrops and obstacle-like objects! What am I doing wrong here? Please login to see this attachment.
If it's any help, the main problem is that if you look closely at the detector, you'll notice it is never overlaping obstacles, but just hovering right above them, a single pixel higher than it should be. This does not happen when the enemy is above a platform, for some reason.
The only difference event-wise is the order: Platform-detecting comes first, then there's a pair of events that move the enemy 1 pixel up or 1 pixel down( this does not happen if a platform is detected, because that first event will end the loop), and the final events test for obstacles getting detected.
One would think that the problem could be fixed simply by bringing those last events up so that they're right after the platform-detecting one, but no matter what order I put them in, the bug just gets worse. Is there a correct order, or is what I am attempting fundamentally impossible? It seems like there should be a way to do this...