[Beta 32] Frame Rate, Sounds, and Lauch App

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • 1.- This beta32 gets about -10% of FrameRate compared to beta29.

    2.- The sound system works better than the version beta29 but I dedect some problems, when there are many sounds with the option "Load on Call" selected, some times this sounds no play.

    3.- The time required to launch an app on the device is very high, an application with 22Mb takes about 30 seconds to open on the device, is a very high load time without the a load indicator.
    When the app goes from pause mode to active mode also has a similar timeout, and may seem that the application is blocked.

    Kiko - Tusappsonline
    Please login to see this link.

  • I've noticed #3 on my games too. It would be good to have a load screen image displayed while it loads (like iOS) to let the user know it's not just hanging.

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  • I think that Clickteam can fix the points 1 and 2 in the next beta, but I think that the "splash image" will include in the first release.

    Is just my opinion, of course.

    Kiko - Tusappsonline
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  • Kiko does not know if this is a strategy to keep until RC1, i can tell you because the more complex the games load is so slow that sometimes leave you messages if you want to continue waiting for or want to cancel the app. I've been too busy with my game Great Mazinger.

    You can clarify the option "Load on call" of the sounds, please. :)

    José Rafael Marcano
    Please login to see this link.

  • Sorry Jose,

    Yes, obviously when an app is more complex take more time to load. But the Android exporter need an optimization, and a load icon or splash image to avoid confusion for users.

    In reference on "Load on call" option, you can select the icon "Data Elements", in MMF2 this option open a window with all data elements of the current project (Sounds,Music,Binary Data, External Files, etc...).
    In the sounds section you can select any sound for replace (without change any command line) it or extract, and you have the options in the right hand for "Preload" (Preload Sound in memory when load the app) "Load on call" (Load in memory when the sound is called) or "Play from disk".

    These options are very useful to optimize the load of large apps.

    Kiko - Tusappsonline
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    Edited once, last by kiko (July 4, 2012 at 8:50 AM).

  • I totally agree with you, you need a loading screen.

    As for the "Load on Call" and got it, thanks.:)

    Now that is the most optimal settings, preload, load on call or play from disk?

    José Rafael Marcano
    Please login to see this link.

  • The best options are:
    "Preload" for little sounds that are repetitive, for example shots, explosions, effects, etc...
    "Load on call" medium sounds that are not highly repetitive. You should be borne in mind that this option consumes more CPU resources because need to load the sound into memory for play and then release. But is ideal for voices and many sounds when the processor is not used intensively.
    "Play from disk" obviously for background music.

    Kiko - Tusappsonline
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    Edited once, last by kiko (July 4, 2012 at 8:28 PM).

  • Thanks for your explanation Kiko, long ago Francois gave me the same advice, I'll do some testing, but I think the audio advance that I loaded it is about memory problems.

    I feel that the exporter had a memory limitation or that it consumes lots of memory, is that James does not like comparisons but in the IOS Exporter in 256 MB Ram running heavy games, here that do not work on devices with 1 Gb RAM as my Galaxy SII. :(

    José Rafael Marcano
    Please login to see this link.

  • Yes, basically because the Android uses about 80% of the memory, but you can obtimize your apps about a 50% easily.
    First you can set Settings - Graphics mode to 65535 colors (this option reduce about 30% size of the app and increase the FrameRate performance). With this option you reduce the graphics quality but is very very acceptable.
    In the Android Options you can set the Image Compresion option to Color Reduction, that is specific for Android and gets very good results.

    Other importan thinks, use OGG Vorbis format with quallity 2 or 3, you can reduce the size of all sound about a 70%.

    These tips are applicable to all exporters (excepting the Android Image Compresion that is only for Android).

    As I said before, I think many problems will be solved with the release version (Android Exporter), for obvious reasons.

    Kiko - Tusappsonline
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  • In conslusión this is a war against the same operating system!

    Thanks for the tips Kiko, all I meet at face value, except for OGG audio, I always use MP3 for background music and WAV format for sound effects, both 8, 11 and 22 kHz.

    I do not use OGG because one we see Francois stated that all other formats are converted to WAV internally and got lost CPU cycles with that. Of course that was with iOS Exporter, if not the same with the Android Exporter.

    José Rafael Marcano
    Please login to see this link.

  • I disagree with the subject of sound, I mean:

    The big problem with Android is the memory, the CPU is a secondary problem.
    An app with 40Mb size probably not work in many devices.

    When you have a big app with 200 or 300 sounds, (we have many apps in this situation) this sounds increase the size of the app in 18-22Mb, and the problem is to reduce this size.

    Use the MP3 for background musics its ok, (but note that the iOs systems only can play 1 MP3 at time).
    In Android some MP3 sounds have problems, and with OGG Vorbis (22K mono 16bits) you can compress more than the MP3, and for a menú music, for example, no have problem with the CPU process.

    Well, the sounds that uses very intensively like shots and explossions, can be in WAV (usually not more than 5-10 sounds).
    The bulk sound in a game are medium size, and if use WAV format have great impact on the size of the app. For this sounds the best obtion is use "Load on call" option, for obtimize the memory usage.

    Therefore you can use for this sound the OGG format and you get an adventave on the CPU. With the OGG format you can reduce the size of sound about 70-80% compared with WAV, and with this reduction size you can use "Preload" option, and in this situation play a reduced size OGG is more fast than a big WAV that need to load in memory for play.:)

    I have many experience and many apps released and sincerely this is the best way.
    When you put into practice will see the benefits.

    Kiko - Tusappsonline
    Please login to see this link.

    Edited once, last by kiko (July 5, 2012 at 11:13 AM).

  • Kiko thank you very much for your advice I will implement, thanks James for confirming the OGG as an option and I congratulate you that the exporter is taking great force.

    BTW the effect monocrhome does not work, you've had time to review this?

    José Rafael Marcano
    Please login to see this link.

  • James saw the monochrome effect problem? The exporter applies, but also applies a transparency that should not. This happened with iOS Exporter and Andos fix it.

    José Rafael Marcano
    Please login to see this link.

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