I have seen that the sound system of the exporting Android still have problems, basically in two situations:
1- When you have diferent sound configured with different options (one "Preload", another "Load On Call" and/or another "Play from Disk"), if try play various file sounds configured with the same option the sounds no play.
In other words, you can play "sound.wav" config with "preload" and other sound configured with "Load on call", but you not play two different sounds configured with "preload" option at time.
2- Randomly during the execution of an app (created with Android Exporter) and after some time of open it, in certain frames the sounds stop working.
I detect this problem in frames of third level, for exmaple:
frame 1
frame 2 -> frame 3 -> frame 4
frame 5
In frame 4, randomly after some time, the sounds not play. If you close the app and open another time, the sounds in this frame play ok, and randomly after some time the sounds not play another time.
I do not know if any other people have the same problem.