Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • OK I give up for now - just tire to look for a solution all the day !!!!

    Even your extension, MattEsch, doesn't work in runtime (it returns nothing, etc..., even after being declared into the extension and runtimeDev js files) - I'm wondering if this EDIF solution does really work with the HTML5 runtime.
    I hope Francois or others will be able to give me some help because I'm actually getting upset with this sdk.

  • I do not know at all the EDIF sdk made by Matt. You should contact him for that.
    It is not clear when you say 'it does not work in runtime': are you talking about the c++ runtime or the HTML5 runtime?
    And yes, things will be different in MMF3.

    PM: Please login to see this link.

  • Yes I already contacted him but he seems absent. :/
    When I said "runtime", I was talking about when you build and test the project.
    Francois, currently (without EDIF) I can't build an extension for the HTML5 runtime without any C++ knowledge, can I ?

  • You can use EDIF without any knowledge of C++ you just need to edit the JSON file(Contains the name and menus) and compile it using visual studio.

    However for properties you have too do a bit C++ coding, when ever I see someone who knows C++ and MMF2 who are bored I suggest that they should add JSON properties to EDIF :)

    If you look around the Extension Development forum board you might find some info on using EDIF with the Flash runtime, it should be more or less the same.

    Is the extension working in MMF2 but when you test it doesnt work? My best bet would be that the ID's for the ACE's are wrong.

    Jean Villy Edberg

  • Ahh problems ;)

    Ok so, you took the EDIF template I gave you (yes this is still valid), you added the dummy actions to the JSON file and then created a corresponding JavaScript implementation. (Make sure you are using the latest JavaScript SDK). I can't tell you exactly why it's not working. If you want to PM me your code I can take a look to see what's actually happening.

    Just be sure that you edit the extension inside the MMF program files directory, and that when you build the project you do a FULL REBUILD. If you don't, the extension and newly modified dev files will not be copied to the output directory.

    I agree (and understand what you're saying) about the edit-time properties. I believe it ought to be possible to have edit-time properties configured with a JSON file as well, but as it stands, no such thing exists. You would need to favour runtime actions instead, which is a pain in some cases, but it's the fastest way to get your extension up and running.

    As far as my extension not working goes, it was built with an old SDK. I've not managed to check it since the latest updates but I will try it as soon as I get the chance.

    Edited once, last by MattEsch (January 14, 2013 at 5:16 PM).

  • It works fine for me. Added the files in the same structure you have them. These are the changes I needed to make to get your extension running:


    if (this.name=="Dropbox")
        return new CRunDropbox();


    document.write('<script src="'+document.srcPath+'Dropbox.js"></script>');
  • MattEsch, thanks, I did a case mistake in the Extension.js :/
    Tsss, I'm sorry :)

    So now, about the properties, it will be a real problem if I can't work with properties. Do you think it's impossible to update the edif in this way ?

    Other thing, is it possible to add dependency files to the plugin ?

  • Personally I think this method for including extensions could be improved. I don't like having to edit more than 1 file, and imo I shouldn't need to edit even 1 file. It makes installing extensions a pain and I don't really know how Francois envisages this will work when this meets userland (as editing source code isn't acceptable). I'm keen to see it changed. I have made my opinions regarding globals known as well. I just think a module loader is needed like the require keyword in nodejs and all of these problems are solved.

    We don't have a dummy mfx with dynamic properties (yet) and it would be some effort to write it. The only option you have at the moment is downloading EDIF and updating Edittime.cpp (to define, get and set the properties) and the EDITDATA structure in Common.h for storing the values.

    Edited once, last by MattEsch (January 15, 2013 at 10:28 AM).

  • In waiting an answer to my last question, I'm encountering an issue.
    When I get two params in my action,

    		this.ACT_setApiSettings(act.getParamExpString(this.rh,0), act.getParamExpString(this.rh,1));
    ACT_setApiSettings: function(param0, param1)
         this.settings = true; 
         this.apiKey = param0;
         this.clientId = param1;

    in my Json file,

        "Title": "Configure the API"
    			['Text',  'Paste your API key']
    			['Text',  'Paste your Client ID']

    I have an error ('pExp is undefined' - Runloop.js 2650)

  • Just pull the latest version of EDIF off github. There's a visual studio project file for the template. Duplicate the template directory, name it something sensible, and that's all you need. There are no other dependencies. If you can write JavaScript there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to master this part.

    - With regards to the bug, I figure the problem is not featured in the code snippet you have shown me. Send me your latest and I will diagnose it properly if you can't fix it.

    ---- Actually thinking about it, I suspect you just called ACT_setApiSettings, so "this.rh" is undefined. I can't see where you have defined the function, but I am confident that it is not defined on the object you want to refer to as "this". Or if it is you have called it incorrectly anyway. In your handleAction function you will want to use yourObject.ACT_setApiSettings.call(this), if you intend to refer to "this.rh" from within that function.

    Edited 3 times, last by MattEsch (January 15, 2013 at 8:55 PM).

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