Need help with goomba enemy.

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  • Hi, i`m new to the forums, and i have always wanted to make my own mario fangame. I need help with the goomba enemy, you know, when mario squashes the goomba. I made the goomba walking stance in idle, since i was gonna use path for the active. I tried doing several things, though none worked, can i get any help? thanks :)

  • Im not sure what you are having troubble with, but i can tell you right away that you need to use the PMO ( Playtform Movement Object ) to get the 'Squash and Boiunce' effect like in Mario
    I have done this before

    Are you using the PMO for your Player movement?

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  • No i`m not using PMO, because i don`t have the extension installed for some reason, even if i did have it, i would not know on how to use it, since i don`t know alot about mmf2.
    I`m using active ( my player) for the movement. When i men`t i was going to use path for the active, i men`t for the goomba, my mistake XD

  • While the Platform Movement Object does have definite advantages over the built in Platform movement, in now way is it a prerequisite for squashable goomba style enemies.

    Think about it, how does it work? Enemies are squashed ONLY when the player is falling. So the first step is to find out when your player is falling. This is when the current Y position of the player is GREATER than that of the previous frame. So, I would create an alterable string called Falling and set it to either "Yes" or "No" depending on whether or not your player is falling, determined using the method I just described. Then, if your player is overlapping the enemy while Falling="Yes", squash it.

    The next step is to only allow the enemy to be squashed when your player lands somewhat on the center of the enemy. This can be done with separate detector objects or by using embedded detectors. Embedded is the obvious choice, but it is a little more complicated. Please login to see this link. is a tutorial explaining the process, coincidentally it also covers goomba movement.

  • What part are you having troubble with?

    Are you trying to do something like this?
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    Or are you having troubble giving your Enemies/ Goomba a movement?

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  • This might be of help on some of your plans:

    Goomba Bounce Example
    Author: Ricky Rombo
    Genre: example
    Extensions Needed: none
    The classic land on a Goomba bounce technique. The author brings us something people have ask for again and again.
    Arrow keys to move right and left. Shift key to jump.
    Please login to see this link.


    458 TGF to CTF 2.5+ Examples and games
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  • If you want a really simple way to detect if you're stomping on something I'd just use a hidden detector always positioned at the bottom of the player's feet. Detector collides with enemy and player is jumping, destroy goomba. You can also have the player Jump again in this event to make them bounce. It might be easier for you than messing with coordinates. This is all easy to do with the PMO. Honestly, unless you're going to be doing some advanced custom movements like reverse gravity, etc, I'd just use the PMO. A lot simpler.

    Also, I'm pretty sure the PMO is installed by default, at the very least with one of the latest builds. What movement are you using? The default platform movement? That's rather buggy. The PMO is pretty easy to learn there are some examples on this site I believe by Chaos if you look at the tutorials section. You can make your custom movement with fastloops, but if you're just starting out the PMO is far easier. But DavidN has some custom platform movement tutorials on this site as well.

    To make the body disappear, you can put your squashed animation under the Disappearing animation for the active object. It always plays that animation when the object is destroyed then it completely deletes it after the animation is finished.

    Edited 3 times, last by Shawn (October 9, 2012 at 10:07 PM).

  • Fizzypop56
    The PMO is a must for something like this ( unless you want to code your own movement ( alos caled Custom Movement ) which is alot harder ).
    I suggest you try using it to apply movement to your character.

    To detect a top colision for a Platformer Game ( like Mario ), all you need is 1 AlterableValue.

    Lets call the AltValue for "MemoryY_".
    The point of MemoryY_ is to store the previous Yposition of the bottom of the Player Object ( in other words the previous position of his feet ).

    When you have that nailed down, you can do a simple comaparison in the Event Editor to know that the Player has landed on the Goomba correctly from above:

    If 'Player Ybottom' <= 'Goomba Ytop'
    + If 'Player Memory_' >= 'Goomba Ytop'
    --> PMO - User Input - Jump

    Another not as accurte, but easier solution is to simply do ( and this is the way i have done it in the example above ):

    Player colides with Goomba
    + Player animation Falling is playing
    --> PMO - User Input - Jump

    In any case, start using the PMO, you wont regret it.
    If your stuck with something, there are many helpfull people around here :)

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