Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi everyone,

    RC1 is available (build 256.23):

    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link.

    And for the ones who use the English Unicode version, here is the Please login to see this link..

    Important : for beta 32 or above you need to install API level 15 in the SDK manager.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 34

    - Android "Get key state" crashes fixed
    - Joystick touch offset fixed
    - Active Picture object can now load from an URL
    - Active System Box display issues fixed
    - Crash with image counters fixed
    - ES 1.1 alpha blending now works again
    - New "display modes" option identical to the same option in the iOS exporter. This option replaces and extends the "Allow screen borders", "Resize window to fill display" and "Keep ratio" options (that are now ignored). This property hasn't been added to the documentation yet, that will be done in the next version. Here is a quick explanation :

    * Center : No zooming will occur regardless of the device. The window will be centered in the screen. If you have an iPhone 3GS resolution app, it will look small on the iPad or iPhone with retina screens.
    * Adjust window size: No scaling will occur with this option, it will expand the window size to fill the remainder of the screen so no black areas show. Note that this will show more of your frame. The actual window size will be exactly the same as the device resolution and the frame must be large enough to support this.
    * Fit inside with borders: This option will scale the game-contents to touch the inside of the screen while maintaining the aspect ratio. If your game window aspect ratio isn't the same as the device aspect ratio, the contents will be centered and black borders will show. This is the default option.
    * Fit inside and adjust window: This option will scale the game-contents to touch the inside of the screen while maintaining the aspect ratio. If your game window aspect ratio isn't the same as the device aspect ratio, the game window will be expanded to fill the remaining of the screen so no black borders show. Note that this will show more of your frame. This requires that your frame is large enough to display the new area.
    * Fit outside: This will scale the game to fill the entire screen so that no black borders show. This will crop the remaining areas that go outside the screen away.
    * Stretch: Ignores any aspect ratio and just stretches the contents to fill the entire display. Graphics can look squashed if the aspect ratios of the game window and the device don't match.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 33

    - new "Display mode" option that allows you to choose the version of the OpenGL renderer (1.1 or 2.0).
    - the Android exporter can now use its own version of JDK, independent from the versions of Java used by the SWF and HTML5 exporters, and you no longer need to define the JAVA_HOME environment variable as each exporter sets it to the correct value (in theory). Plus if several versions of JDK are installed MMF2 will choose the best one for the exporter. Should be easier. If something doesn't work with Java, check the pathname of the JDK for Android in the preferences of MMF2.
    - I'll update this list when James will post the change log.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 32

    - This version fixes a speed issue appeared in beta 31 when the frame contains string objects. This version doesn't seem to fix all the speed issues due to OpenGL 2.0 though...
    - The default minimum duration for sounds to be played from disk is now 5 seconds, as the internal memory used to preload sounds is limited to 1 Mb (we'll display a warning message later when this is the case)
    - EDIT: optimization of FindString in List object.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 31

    - Switched to ES 2.0 renderer
    - Sound issues fixed
    - HiScores object
    - Problems with string alignment fixed
    - Ellipse quick backdrops are now visible
    - Gradient counters displayed incorrectly

    Note: JAVA_HOME is now automatically set to the JDK pathname defined in the preferences when you build an Android application (only for MMF2, not in the global environment variable). In the next beta I'll add a new preference for the SWF exporter so that we can use both exporters with different versions of Java (in the meantime if you want to use MMF2 to generate both SWF and Android apps with 2 different versions of Java, you should start 2 sessions of MMF2, one for SWF that uses the global environment variable, and one for Android - sorry for the inconvenience).

    EDIT: I forgot to mention, the sub-build number is now displayed after the build number (256.0 for this version).

    EDIT 2: the Android applications created with the Android exporter will now only work with Android 2.2 or above.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 30

    - Fix build 29 issues.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 29

    - "Start intent" action had broken parameters in the editor
    - The Date & Time object displayed extra zero padding
    - Fix application freeze on resume
    - Clickteam Movement Controller did not work
    - The Operator$ expression in the Android object returned trailing whitespace
    - New expression in the Android object to return the runtime version
    - New expression in the Android object to return the application version
    - New action in the Android object to vibrate the device
    - New condition in the Android object to detect if the device is rooted
    - New condition in the Android object to detect if Bluetooth is enabled
    - At the beginning of the frame, the application acted as if the mouse was down for one event loop
    - Improve List and Combo object performance
    - The "Clear" and "Limit text size" actions now work in the Edit object
    - Text rendering performance improved
    - Double spaces no longer cause a linebreak in strings
    - Some memory leaks fixed
    - The Lacewing Relay Client extension now works again
    - Option to preload samples is now supported (on by default for short samples)
    - Changing sample frequency is now supported (for preloaded samples only)

    More info about samples: the "preload" and "play from disk" options of the Data Elements editor are now supported by the Android runtime. Preloaded sounds are played with a different API, better for small sounds. The sounds that have the 'Play from disk' option are played with the same API as before, good for the memory but bad for short sound effects. By default in MMF2 all sounds are preloaded. To avoid you to have to manually select the 'Play from disk' option for the long sounds (background music, etc), we've added a new "Force 'Play from disk' for sounds longer than X seconds" option in the Android properties of the application. By default this limit is set to 10 seconds.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 28

    - "Is sample playing" crashed if the sound was not playing on the first channel
    - Crash with the clock object fixed
    - Crash on certain devices with multi-touch hopefully fixed
    - DeviceID$ would crash on devices without phone capabilities (now it just returns a blank string)
    - Some useless debugging output removed for performance
    - List object FindString$ and FindStringExact$ did not work
    - AdMob settings were not applied correctly
    - Overhauled image handling should fix the issues on application resume (such as the black screen problem and the disappearing display surface)
    - Some Active Picture object actions crashed if no image was loaded
    - No more ClipboardManager warnings in the build log
    - Sub-applications were not clipped properly (they could draw outside of their zone)
    - No more flash of the border color between frames
    - Smooth scaling can now be disabled in the application properties
    - "Set selection" did not work with the List object when the list did not have focus

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 27

    - Fix crash with List object when retrieving a non-existent line
    - Fix crash with the "Force animation frame" action
    - Bitmap buttons displayed with an offset
    - Setting the coordinates of a window control would position it incorrectly when inside sub-app
    - Sub-applications did not display correctly
    - Channels were not made available again after a sample had ended

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 26

    - Motif Quick Backdrop objects with a non-power-of-two image size did not scale correctly
    - Sample volume/panning, multi-samples, locking/unlocking channels now supported
    - The display did not change correctly between landscape/portrait mode
    - Bad memory leak fixed (causing crashes and some devices to power off)
    - Improved joystick rendering performance

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 25

    - Fixed crash with samples over frames
    - Dates in the Date & Time object displayed in the wrong place (outside of the object bounds)
    - The first touch anywhere in the frame caused the joystick to move
    - Multi-touch touches sometimes "stuck down" (this also affected the joystick)
    - "Repeat while joystick pressed" with "Joystick no action" never fired
    - Performance issue related to AdMob fixed
    - An application using scrolling on any frame would break positioning of window controls
    - Fix crashes related to keyboard input. Key presses should also be more responsive now.
    - New "Require GPU" property, ON by default in new applications (unselect it for applications that only use controls and have no graphics)

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 23

    - "End application when not in foreground" property didn't work properly
    - Improve performance of control objects (edit box, list box, etc.)
    - Fix crash with the For Each object
    - AdMob "Display ad at bottom of screen" didn't work
    - Fix random crash/black screen when starting the application
    - Multiple AdMob test device IDs may now be given (comma separated)

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 22

    - Fix various stability issues
    - Applications can now run on the emulator again
    - Support for Android 3.x

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 21

    - Crash with bitmap button objects fixed
    - Strings and text counters were displayed in the wrong colour
    - Touch responsiveness should be improved
    - Forced debugging permissions appeared in beta 20 have been removed

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 20

    - AdMob problems fixed
    - Now using the iOS version of the For Each object (this should fix crashes and improve performance)
    - Random crash with the renderer fixed

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 19

    - Fix issue with backdrop objects disappearing
    - Crash in actions or expressions of the Android object when the application is run from MMF2
    - Big change in this build to fix possible deadlock situations with controls, hopefully this will fix some crashes
    - New application and frame options to support AdMob in applications. Look at the documentation for more info (Distributing / Android / Properties). EDIT: MMF2 Dev only.
    - No beta splash screen anymore

    Note: the latest options are not available in the English Unicode version, they will be available as soon as we release a new patch for MMF2, which should be soon (not sure if the new runtime works with the English Unicode version due to the changes - if you use this version of MMF2, just wait for the next MMF2 patch perhaps).

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 18

    - no more black line issue when resizing applications
    - Problem with application not always ending correctly (black screen) fixed
    - "Get alpha-blending coefficient" expression sometimes returned incorrect values
    - Crash when using machine-independent speed mode fixed

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 17

    - The white flash should be now fixed.
    - Compilation issue with the Edit object.
    - Compilation issue with the Direction Calculator object.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 16

    - You can now build APKs in release mode, the signing features have been fixed. More info in the documentation.
    - No white flashs anymore when you check the "Machine independent speed" option.
    - Various bugs with the drag and drop movement fixed
    - Build errors with the Array object fixed
    - Active object transparency now works again (build 15 regression)
    - Semi-transparency now works with backdrop objects
    - Some optimizations related to rendering strings
    - Fixed a random crash (memory corruption in the mask code)

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 15

    - This build fixes a random crash in the image loading routines. This crash was happening mainly with the Unicode version but could also happen with the normal version.
    - Also the Japanese version is available for the owners of the Japanese version of MMF2 (English users, don't try installing the Japanese version, that won't work, the Japanese version uses different serials, settings, etc).
    Note for Japanese testers : some parts of the documentation are in English in the Japanese section, that's normal, the translation is currently in progress and is not completed yet.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 14

    - New "Image compression" option in the Android properties of the application. Works like iOS. If you set it to "Color Reduction", the images are automatically converted to either 65536 colors (opaque images), 32768 colors (unique transparent color) or 4096 colors (alpha channel with multiple transparency levels). This option will divide the size of your images by two in memory. This can reduce the quality of the images, but you can choose to ignore this option for specific objects.
    - New "Image compression" option in the Android properties of the objects. "Default" will use the "Image compression" settings of the Application. "None" will disable image compression for this object. "Color reduction" will force color reduction for this object even if the Image Compression property of the application is set to "None".
    - Android object : new Get Data Storage Directory and Get External Storage Directory expressions (the previous one was bugged).
    - Android object : new Get Application Package Name expression.
    - The documentation has been updated (not 100% complete yet though).
    - The image loading routines have been optimized and the memory used by the application has been reduced.

    Jamie will post the other fixes and changes.

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 13

    - Renderer ported to C (hopefully should increase performance)
    - "Set alpha-blending coefficient" and some other HWA-related actions caused the runtime to crash
    - RGB coefficients are now supported
    - Crash with the sub-application object fixed

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 12

    - General issue in all the runtimes, if you compile an application with several extensions and one of these extensions is not compatible with the current build type, the other extensions could disappear, or crash the application.
    - Applications now also support 256x256 icons, for Windows Vista/7 (the 128x128 size is used only for Java Mac at the moment).
    - Android: Random crash with objects that display strings (background system box, active system box, ...)
    - Android: Background system box didn't display text set at edittime
    - Android: Crash when touch-aware objects were created or destroyed by actions attached to a touch-related condition
    - Android: Memory leak when switching between frames
    - Android: DeviceID$ renamed to PhoneID$ and new DeviceID$ expression added
    - Android: assemblePrograms crash when using the Get object
    - Android: Potential crash if the screen is touched before the frame has fully loaded
    - Android: The collision mask system has been overhauled. This should prevent applications from running out of memory as quickly, and may provide a performance boost.
    - Android: Text should render slightly faster when modified (note that frequently changing text is still very expensive)
    - Android: "User clicks on an object" and the drag and drop movement now work with scrolling
    - Android: MIDI music sometimes failed to play

    Bug fixes and new features in Beta 11

    - Application: applications now support 128x128 icons.
    - Build : important change, you can now build applications that contain incompatible objects as well as incompatible actions/conditions/expressions. The incompatible objects and actions won't have any effect, the incompatible conditions are removed, and the incompatible expressions return either 0 or "". The error messages (incompatible objects and incompatible events) are now simple warning messages, you can bypass them. A new "Display build warning messages" option in the properties of the application allows you to hide these message boxes.
    - Global objects: a new "Editor synchronization" property in the object properties. This option allows you to specify how global objects are synchronized across all frames in the editor. If this option is set to "No", the global object is not synchronized with others. If this option is set to "Identical Objects", the objects identical to the current are synchronized with it (this is the old behavior, which doesn't work sometimes for some objects, especially when they have behaviors).
    If this option is set to "Same name and type", the global objects with the same name and type as the current object will be synchronized with it. When you create a new object, this option is set to "Same name and type" by default. In old applications, this option is set to "Identical objects" for the existing global objects.
    - Window Control object: the Minimize action now pauses the application if the "Run when minimized" option is not selected.
    - All runtimes / String object: crash if the size of the paragraphs was greater than 64 Kb.
    - PC runtime in Direct3D mode: crash sometimes in Direct3D mode when objects have qualifiers and frames have a fade in transition.

    Thanks for testing!


    PS: general notes for new testers :

    - This beta version is limited in time.
    - Look at the Distributing / Android section for more info about how to build and test Android apps.
    - Please read the help file, in the Distributing/Android section for the main help, in the Objects/Inventory/Other section for the Accelerometer, Location, Joystick Control and MultiTouch objects.
    - Testers will get either a free version of discounts proportional to their work. :p

  • Finally in RC! Good work guys! Home stretch! I'll get testing this now. I have noticed some bugs aren't mentioned in the changelog such as quick backdrops appearing in the wrong order but I'll try it out first in case they've just not been mentioned.

  • Sorry guys, there's no way this is a release candidate... My app still runs unplayably slow on the Nexus 7, the most powerful Android device (yet super fast on iPhone 3GS), and backdrops appear in the wrong order.

    I've also noticed that either global strings or the find in string function don't seem to work - I store the spread values of collected items in a global string and destroy the items if their spread value matches a string present in the global string, but on Android it destroys them straight away.

    Who do I send the .MFA to?

  • WOOT RC1. On a side note, unlike DistantJ my apps appears to have no lag outside of stuff that normally causes lag (much to many fastloops for me) My FPS is set to 30 rather than 50/60 HTC EVO 4G LTE :D

    GOO A GOO CT. Keep ze ball a rollin

    • Please login to see this link.

    Please login to see this picture.

  • Thanks for the update!

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • Sorry guys, there's no way this is a release candidate... My app still runs unplayably slow on the Nexus 7, the most powerful Android device (yet super fast on iPhone 3GS), and backdrops appear in the wrong order.

    I've already done everything I can for performance short of porting the rest of the runtime to C, so I'm not going to spend any more time on that until after release.

    I thought the backdrop order thing was fixed - did you already send me an example MFA? (I'll look tomorrow if you did)

  • One of my apps is still useless in this RC. Objects starts dissapering after a few seconds, like it did in the previous version also. I guess I could send it to you. The app works fine on ios, so I see no reason why the android version should behave like this.

    But I am happy to see it is getting there. My other apps seems to run fine :D

  • That's how it used to work, but then there was the problem of extensions having functionality you might not use, or functionality that might require permissions and might not (e.g. if you save a file, you might save it to somewhere you need a particular permission for or you might save it somewhere else).

  • ok, two things so far for me:

    1. sound object, stop channel #nr does not work. after playing and looping a sample uninteruptable on a specific channel, stopping that channel does nothing. (stop specific sample does work so that can be used instead)

    2. edit box object does not appear. in earlier versions it would disappear when overlapped by the android keyboard which pops up when it gets focus, but on this version it does not appear at all.

    this is on RC1, latest android SDK (downloaded today) on a samsung galaxy S2.

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