Battle Combat Fighter Ultra

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • I'm releasing three different versions of the strange turn based shooter "Battle Combat Fighters". Ultra is the latest version, but included is also the original game and a game jam experiment version. Please login to see this link.. The source included with two versions \o/

    Oh, and you can paste replays into the Ultra version with Ctrl+V! Here's one!

    -1 Nifflas - Menacing/3 Hazardous/B,463,494 S,127,209 S,751,220 S,759,241 S,201,257 S,218,213 S,763,175 S,212,195 S,778,150 S,505,48 S,485,64 S,465,68 S,462,68 S,285,248 S,464,90 S,772,163 S,814,22 B,497,436 S,288,224 S,488,232 S,483,237 B,492,465 S,497,189 S,497,189 S,251,315 S,656,246 S,663,246 S,665,239 S,274,302 B,424,509 S,267,259 S,267,259 S,260,264 S,260,264 S,645,367 S,243,360 B,376,485 S,719,202 S,722,209 S,157,313 S,159,327 S,407,256 B,499,384 S,704,252 S,253,236 S,480,165 B,492,72 S,646,202 S,671,196 S,170,281 S,372,402 S,244,255 S,137,217 S,268,205 S,268,205 S,552,413 S,434,118 S,434,118 B,344,386 S,565,198 S,518,370 S,643,191 S,663,344 S,226,188 S,619,202 S,619,202 S,233,160 S,232,160 B,391,475 S,426,190 S,451,178 S,449,219 S,332,411 B,410,471 S,470,241 S,470,241 S,277,413 B,231,359 B,345,500 S,405,280 S,176,377 S,374,343 B,333,512 S,309,380 S,354,445 S,324,368 S,198,429 S,274,336 S,146,373 S,179,316 S,190,318 S,229,340 S,124,340 B,98,464 S,180,380 B,61,436 S,159,307 B,81,398 S,124,339 S,215,448 S,293,377 S,351,349 S,121,347 S,94,280 S,361,182 S,364,190 S,364,190 S,363,319 S,381,314 S,407,204 S,444,278 S,411,206 S,393,166 B,324,286 S,435,171 S,440,165 B,183,140 S,205,190 B,222,130 S,229,174 B,446,56 B,452,55 B,452,71 S,444,105 B,208,66 S,214,16 B,383,50 B,351,89 B,137,37 B,269,43 S,92,44 S,109,71-

    Edited 3 times, last by Nifflas (October 18, 2012 at 12:15 AM).

  • I see now, i thought 10 RC only meant i survived 10 Rounds.
    It wasnt before i hoovered over the Letters ( making the tolltips apear ) i understood that theese were actuall Buttons i coud press, and what the buttons did.

    How can i change username and display name?
    Please login to see this link.

  • Love the concept - kind of a turn-based cross between Asteroids and Llamatron.
    The learning curve is a little steep though. It could maybe use some kind of tutorial, rather than just a practice area.

    Think I need to spend less time running, and more time shooting:
    -1 Nifflas - Menacing/2 Dangerously/S,302,281 S,314,221 S,327,202 S,356,328 S,322,316 S,651,182 B,783,216 B,784,354 B,682,397 S,575,356 S,330,185 S,421,296 S,187,197 B,99,74 B,35,56 B,152,44 S,250,185 S,150,286 B,155,355 B,125,284 S,278,257 B,290,439 S,386,401 S,308,349 S,568,406 S,565,302 S,551,253 S,575,242 S,565,258 B,775,353 B,838,246 S,671,272 B,810,176 S,583,179 S,488,94 B,533,25 S,460,87 S,454,176 B,361,48 B,420,73 S,443,273 B,387,374 B,357,414 S,429,295 S,356,253 B,197,293 S,289,306 S,171,374 B,163,398 S,236,339 B,189,403 S,337,338 S,411,221 S,495,349 S,512,324 B,549,467 B,494,408 S,611,251 S,591,156 B,758,95 B,857,112 B,812,199 S,624,178 B,698,65 S,552,147 B,406,59 S,375,169 B,348,70 S,353,248 B,357,342 B,118,278 B,63,221 B,86,268 S,189,281 B,168,454 B,197,456 S,293,389 S,462,402 B,544,457 S,583,414 B,665,473 S,563,379 S,675,324 B,784,389 S,695,300 B,592,194 B,709,177 B,719,108 B,530,86 S,469,136 B,477,171 S,443,156 B,285,54 B,190,72 B,228,100 B,75,148 B,41,217 S,139,252 S,131,276 B,226,219 B,158,294 B,181,358 B,353,472 B,445,469 S,494,417 B,490,485 S,572,408 S,577,425 B,704,442 S,639,336 B,740,324 S,746,258 S,636,300 S,637,300 B,709,251 B,635,54 B,601,54 S,417,119 B,381,20 S,317,145 B,179,119 B,109,92 B,100,135 S,112,264 S,107,312 S,226,262 S,250,317 B,147,389 S,299,386 S,316,409 B,266,468 S,423,414 S,411,464 S,489,449 B,462,475 S,605,420 S,609,296 S,682,385 B,735,382 S,756,236 S,657,344 S,743,233 B,714,273 S,562,189 B,670,76 B,674,62 S,648,116 S,441,147 S,409,130-

  • -1 Nifflas - Menacing/3 Hazardous/S,110,114 S,110,114 B,491,438 S,604,327 S,604,327 S,342,323 B,372,436 S,429,318 S,430,318 S,432,318 S,434,320 B,440,469 B,438,469 S,744,267 S,745,267 S,745,267 S,485,214 S,452,185 S,452,185 S,451,184 S,297,212 S,295,190 S,283,173 S,262,153 S,416,122 S,431,101 S,267,93 B,317,80 S,208,96 S,208,96 S,207,96 S,267,144 B,245,98 S,246,139 S,288,136 S,206,147 S,207,144 S,195,145 S,209,129 S,398,98 S,425,306 B,359,346 S,443,288 S,449,300 S,497,268 S,482,233 S,483,235 S,423,196 S,409,195 S,240,307 B,162,428 B,223,467 B,223,462 S,332,329 S,389,323 S,240,316 S,362,285 S,362,280 S,380,274 S,380,274 S,452,402 S,475,375 S,510,362 S,519,361 S,380,346 S,383,344 B,422,390 S,455,335 S,455,334 S,607,379 S,612,351 B,599,420 S,534,355 S,536,352 S,539,351 S,552,346 B,590,448 S,688,375 S,690,358 S,704,348 S,640,369 S,641,395 S,658,359 S,672,345 B,765,458 B,767,455 S,779,291 S,779,291 S,754,318 S,770,311 S,829,321 S,838,260 S,821,269 S,827,242 S,863,209 S,878,189 B,898,186 S,872,176 B,902,172 S,873,142 S,867,139 S,836,119 S,746,141 S,735,133 B,703,152 S,719,166 S,704,89 B,761,82 S,668,117 S,607,62 B,642,16 B,607,30 S,593,52 B,633,117-

    I am addicted.

    Please login to see this link. by KetchupMaster - A must have for any web developer!
    Please login to see this link.

  • AGH! I could have survived longer if I kept track of that ghost that got me!

    -1 Nifflas - Menacing/3 Hazardous/B,465,479 S,161,226 S,816,183 S,816,183 S,137,212 S,731,240 S,81,135 S,190,187 S,450,110 S,458,108 S,459,108 S,457,108 S,459,151 S,657,175 S,721,115 S,720,114 S,475,182 S,477,152 B,486,486 B,477,487 S,468,188 S,480,189 S,493,195 S,164,286 S,725,327 S,191,261 S,713,341 S,298,238 B,412,507 S,675,273 S,218,228 S,218,228 S,619,274 S,619,273 S,649,382 S,184,302 S,196,150 B,366,496 S,688,268 S,688,268 S,408,261 S,451,246 S,204,379 S,537,310 S,533,309 B,248,508 S,242,316 S,226,313 S,159,381 S,146,341 S,149,339 S,146,403 B,114,500 B,102,494 S,317,294 S,160,346 S,258,250 S,328,194 S,360,201 B,302,462 S,77,254 B,68,269 S,399,168 S,365,167 B,244,436 S,82,249 S,82,249 S,464,280 S,469,281 B,450,488 S,413,298 B,500,489 S,365,236 S,383,239 S,422,237 S,724,401 S,415,222 S,415,218 S,441,182 S,757,358 S,462,198 S,744,308 S,614,305 S,625,298 B,786,489 S,654,379 B,802,482 S,812,371 S,665,350 S,781,300 S,775,293 S,723,334 S,841,341 B,764,477 B,751,471 B,692,470 B,600,342 S,590,277 S,606,323 S,818,346 S,584,286 B,698,134 S,788,164 B,638,95 S,474,181 S,544,137 S,502,143 B,473,197 S,528,249 B,543,242 S,515,183 S,499,204 S,454,165 B,771,85 S,555,102 B,709,27 S,867,79 S,819,119 B,804,14 S,832,114 B,891,30 B,900,38 B,913,174 S,801,111 B,892,244 S,783,290 S,851,138 S,789,284 S,758,288 S,708,305 S,713,318 B,847,175 S,694,318 S,678,320 B,842,329 S,674,345 S,629,338 S,672,254 S,664,259 B,681,476 B,667,460 S,581,407 S,643,300 S,647,298 S,502,398-

  • I like how musical the weapon firing is in Super Battle Combat Fighter.

    -Warship Battlestation/Arena/S,656,246 S,405,298 S,369,492 S,636,664 S,981,532 S,916,268 B,852,308 B,457,481 B,617,324 B,618,540 S,416,482 S,642,507 S,858,293 S,654,466 B,657,469 B,630,360 B,563,366 B,626,471 S,631,293 S,792,370 S,813,445 S,655,571 S,482,558 S,376,475 S,354,302 S,572,182 S,774,241 S,894,369 S,813,532 S,539,641 S,262,304 S,712,194 S,916,356 S,730,576 S,496,625 S,257,361 S,649,178 S,872,329 S,875,395 S,802,480 S,596,583 S,453,603 S,333,511 S,323,246 S,566,164 S,795,243 S,822,412 S,665,503 S,542,523 S,349,454 S,619,637 S,335,523 S,333,248 S,640,150 B,484,321 B,631,228 S,620,200 B,629,367 S,401,470 B,658,410 B,584,239 B,516,241 S,543,216 S,556,226 S,526,248 S,521,334 S,573,409 S,686,418 S,803,366 S,780,268 S,640,236 S,489,282 S,422,459 S,567,586 S,813,480 S,821,383 S,666,281 S,570,468 B,848,467 S,701,261 S,507,380 S,704,537 S,855,354 S,804,257 S,676,223 S,624,230 S,484,299 S,441,384 S,468,474 S,582,552 S,808,537 S,885,459 S,903,279 S,630,167 S,358,278 S,635,636 S,313,513 S,320,264 S,593,196 B,443,299 S,308,274 B,525,227 S,605,197 S,377,445 B,640,340 B,513,340 B,633,339 B,528,319 B,646,317 S,612,403 S,466,439 S,490,256 S,665,253 S,764,358 S,752,483 S,460,581 S,338,506 S,345,404 S,397,309 S,506,259 S,726,254 S,865,368 S,840,525 S,584,617 S,277,581 S,258,478 S,480,239 S,769,435 S,556,576 S,295,546 B,322,521 S,322,521 S,322,521 S,322,521 S,322,521 S,401,574 S,656,525 S,234,571 S,687,280 S,381,497 S,733,341 S,607,581 S,362,493 S,904,501 S,658,589 S,867,307 S,872,474 S,672,262 S,707,393 B,780,389-

    Edited once, last by CrazyMLC (November 28, 2012 at 1:26 PM).

  • This game is great! Here is my first replay:

    -1 Nifflas - Menacing/2 Dangerously/B,473,225 S,628,298 B,423,385 B,413,386 S,562,386 S,589,255 B,458,193 S,473,186 S,479,319 S,628,185 S,602,318 B,496,247 S,602,360 S,582,356 B,775,263 S,778,319 S,835,236 S,836,236 S,791,176 S,699,261 S,670,258 S,671,243 S,762,186 S,749,241 S,764,249 S,735,219 S,749,192 B,862,100 S,785,171 B,780,210 S,781,105 B,916,76 B,904,45 B,897,42 S,899,61 B,805,13 S,393,75 B,353,49 S,321,67 S,303,82 B,144,34 B,145,13 B,68,64 B,5,210 B,4,213 S,137,163 S,112,185 S,131,221 S,234,271 B,98,376 B,249,504-

    Edit: Copied another replay for ya! This time I lasted slightly longer...

    -2 Vallekilde 2012 - Ocean/Shallow Water/S,463,66 S,469,392 S,467,60 S,800,362 S,236,285 B,452,100 B,529,140 S,497,376 B,490,383 B,290,264 S,276,248 S,236,332 S,234,331 S,611,335 S,470,342 S,350,204 S,552,176 S,430,344 S,220,368 S,781,489 B,443,93 S,452,380 B,349,178 S,385,360 S,740,376 B,726,98 B,735,105 S,597,391 S,650,389 S,744,395 S,824,351 S,884,306 S,898,284 S,832,232 B,160,87 B,158,90 S,152,182 S,165,287 S,146,290 B,330,0 S,363,264 S,430,210 S,386,227 S,451,183 S,490,73 B,359,140 S,669,239 S,686,226 S,438,277 S,706,223 B,747,49 B,701,8 B,583,22 B,715,180 S,580,265 S,332,280 S,746,202 S,521,305-

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

    Edited once, last by happygreenfrog (February 26, 2013 at 9:25 PM).

  • I actually just made my own level! I copied an existing level, edited the files, and then I tested it, tweaked it, tested it more, and, well... Here it is! I've attached it. A replay for it is below:

    -4 TROLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL/Trolly/S,300,326 B,609,137 S,289,181 S,289,179 B,454,390 B,639,221 S,735,161 B,143,289 B,224,363 S,224,364 S,164,131 S,731,395 S,731,395 S,781,81 S,116,116 S,444,118 S,839,112 S,452,450 S,54,389 B,668,245 B,668,245 B,668,245 B,332,324 B,331,323 B,802,213 B,809,213 B,325,338 B,324,338 B,627,269 B,627,268 B,274,308 B,273,308 S,102,99 B,616,241 B,261,314 S,801,113 S,91,135 B,529,299 B,278,308 S,148,382 S,825,88 S,849,384 S,111,138 S,770,114 S,461,101 S,160,139 S,116,362 S,433,409 S,825,384 B,369,457 B,367,456 S,384,243 B,381,243 S,382,254 B,314,235 S,228,322 B,268,390 S,327,328 B,379,271 S,337,279 B,164,353 S,163,347 S,157,148 B,157,148 S,744,102 S,109,100 B,84,408 S,84,404 S,144,161 S,795,56 B,460,476 B,634,375 B,634,375 B,605,452 B,462,473 S,444,411 S,475,66 S,93,114 S,105,424 S,785,401 S,778,442 B,285,136 B,280,136 B,196,220 B,197,220 B,197,220 B,526,209 B,367,137 B,303,122 B,378,125 S,156,101 B,228,440 B,228,440 S,166,161 S,853,82 S,814,340 S,175,346 B,258,412 B,256,409 B,256,408 B,329,185 S,178,166 S,176,419 S,478,428 S,451,100 S,816,461 B,310,99 B,291,122 S,733,95 S,660,312 B,480,104 B,127,89 S,127,112 S,142,361 B,439,309 B,396,353 B,370,367 B,311,373 B,250,350 B,348,160 B,397,180 S,68,99 S,761,125 S,165,137 S,151,377 S,127,115 S,794,84 S,767,389 S,829,63 S,135,105 S,128,403 S,464,94 S,89,109 S,110,470 S,511,423 S,797,395 S,816,79 B,408,186 B,409,184 B,312,323 B,327,344 B,302,354 B,464,231 B,256,336 B,428,239 B,140,253 B,401,143 B,241,308 B,476,59 S,84,108 S,807,86 S,159,147 S,774,108 S,160,371 S,149,136 B,344,432 B,397,401 S,151,152 S,138,423 S,821,457 S,824,168 S,466,140 S,144,417 S,445,430 S,787,479 B,479,101 B,431,69 B,336,70 B,342,56 B,234,234 B,234,235 B,383,94 B,297,267 B,349,122 B,315,290 B,295,304 B,332,81 B,240,335 S,150,142 B,540,227 B,253,87 B,358,393 B,192,265 S,829,110 S,812,120 S,117,359 S,837,378 S,99,106 S,499,83 S,788,367 S,157,405 S,133,150 S,81,415 S,465,436 S,463,433 S,339,109 S,339,109 S,339,109 S,339,109 S,339,109 S,339,109 S,344,112 B,352,109 B,352,109 B,328,442 B,328,442 B,328,442 B,328,442 B,328,442 B,328,442 B,320,182 B,337,179 B,458,244 B,221,288 B,216,277 B,526,147 B,460,151 B,154,251 B,475,212 B,475,212 B,135,295 B,134,293 B,133,293 B,392,288 B,476,245 B,476,245 B,264,275 B,188,284 B,276,82 B,464,235 B,481,106 B,478,106-

    NOTE: You may notice that the .ZIP file doesn't contain the sound/music/some of the graphics files files. To get the level to work properly, you will need to copy the sound and music folders (and you also might need to copy some of the graphics files) from the level diversity. This is a level for Battle Combat Fighter Ultra (you can try loading it into Super Battle Combat Fighter, though I doubt it'll work).


    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • One last thing. Nifflas, I think you should put a version of this under concepts in Steam Greenlight, it's really good! ;)

    EDIT: Just got a new replay for my level:

    -4 TROLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL/Trolly/S,165,142 S,567,296 S,59,89 S,659,269 S,555,178 S,851,111 S,77,109 B,388,346 B,655,314 B,655,314 B,655,314 B,172,227 B,173,224 B,173,223 S,104,96 S,135,399 S,135,399 S,182,395 S,459,28 B,567,137 B,570,137 B,570,137 S,470,408 S,867,392 S,867,392 S,875,89 S,875,89 B,320,360 B,320,359 B,285,331 B,260,229 B,399,117 B,407,117 B,409,120 B,326,195 B,328,192 B,488,357 B,487,356 S,242,166 S,242,166 S,242,166 S,242,166 S,763,142 S,763,142 S,763,142 B,588,335 S,566,423 B,407,511 B,296,497 B,270,478 B,268,477 B,269,479 S,410,197 S,157,418 S,157,418 S,157,418 S,641,169 S,641,170 S,641,170 S,788,433 S,788,433 S,788,433 B,453,107 B,383,155 B,383,155 S,831,103 S,831,103 S,831,103 S,72,100 S,72,101 S,72,101 S,72,101 S,833,411 S,132,429 S,127,425 S,127,422 S,507,134 B,844,354 B,844,352 B,844,349 B,866,259 B,866,261 B,843,275 S,557,284 B,795,275 S,526,292 S,524,291 S,489,154 S,494,146 S,779,148 S,779,147 S,779,147 S,57,418 S,57,418 S,57,418 S,115,112 S,115,112 S,115,112 B,186,393 B,172,396 B,165,396 B,115,373 S,117,438 S,117,434 S,433,449 S,490,90 S,112,141 S,725,193 S,747,490 B,343,111 B,333,104 B,373,99 B,372,99 B,191,187 B,156,254 B,179,346 B,262,400 B,361,375 B,416,336 B,478,255 B,229,128 B,185,133 B,206,123 B,261,105 B,308,96 B,412,125 S,171,148 S,171,148 S,171,146 B,536,225 B,600,367 S,140,373 B,501,426 B,498,429 S,492,489 S,458,83 S,700,183 S,808,388 S,82,74 S,82,76 S,83,78 S,690,163 S,690,163 S,742,393 S,748,379 S,753,369 B,130,382-

    EDIT 2: Another replay for it:

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    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

    Edited 2 times, last by happygreenfrog (February 27, 2013 at 12:33 AM).

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