Recently, I was trying to use DavidN's tutorial for making custom platform movement; when I hit something strange in the instructions.
In the tutorial, it explained how to add acceleration and deceleration in the horizontal movement of the player character.
The tutorial also showed how to make horizontal moving platforms and conveyer movement, and how to make the player character function with it.
They both worked well separately; but when I tried using both the Acc/Dec Movement and the MovPlat/Convey Movement together, it sends my character flying across the screen whenever it touches a conveyer or a moving platform.
I followed the instructions verbatim; I even manipulated the MMF2 file on Fastloop Platform Movement to see if I get the same result, and I did.
I need to use both movements for my game, for run physics and dynamic platform movement.
I've tried everything, has anyone gone through this before?
P.S- For those who have used the tutorial for platform movement, can you apply the same instructions for horizontal moving platforms to vertical moving platforms and multiple velocity platforms?