Extension to Create a Shortcut (*.LNK)?

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi all,

    Is there an extension object to create a windows shortcut (*.LNK file)? Ideally with the option to add a description, icon, etc?

    I'm sure I saw one for MMF1.5 years ago, but I'm not sure if there's one for 2.x...

  • Yes, you can use the Sphax's File-Folder object to create shortcuts...

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    Danny // Clickteam

  • If you open a standard shortcut file, it's essentially plain text, so as a last resort you could write it with an editbox. Just throwing that out there for the Standard users. ;)

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • Quote from NoteIcon.ico - Shortcut.lnk

    L À F› ð!üÜÐÓÍð!üÜÐÓÍ*ß$ÝÐÓÍ~ ¨ H 1 †A„… NOTES 4 ニA鄆A„…& Žh N O T E S ^ 2 ~ †Ay… NoteIcon.ico B ニAx…†Ax…& 5i N o t e I c o n . i c o ] 1 \ öý¹P DATA D:\Users\Sandra\Desktop\NOTES\NoteIcon.ico . \ N o t e I c o n . i c o D : \ U s e r s \ S a n d r a \ D e s k t o p \ N O T E S ` *X sandra-pc ЬJ[nLI”ÐññÃ
    °ËÀÕ7â¶ù 6È Ð¬J[nLI”ÐññÃ
    °ËÀÕ7â¶ù 6È

    Well that's what notepad thinks when it tries converting it into ASCII.

    I've got the file format specification on my PC, but it's a bummer trying to crack it open in MMF. Please, Clickteam - make it modular already!! ;(

  • Oops, I probably got mixed with the other type of shortcut. There's two types.
    Ah yeah, .url for Internet shortcuts. I guess those could be used in a pinch.

    EDIT: hehe, you can make a .url link to itself, and when you open it Windows Explorer goes splat.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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