Using the joystick, the app stops working as soon as you touch the screen.
Again it is in the left corner and not at the given x,y coordinates.
Thank you,
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Open a TicketHi,
Using the joystick, the app stops working as soon as you touch the screen.
Again it is in the left corner and not at the given x,y coordinates.
Thank you,
Hi Ineke,
Sorry to use this post, but it is happening to me too!
so i post the crash log here.
the crash i get is this.
QuoteDisplay More12-08 20:18:03.970: I/dalvikvm(21926): Debugger is active12-08 20:18:04.090: I/System.out(21926): Debugger has connected
12-08 20:18:04.090: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:04.290: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:04.490: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:04.690: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:04.900: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:05.100: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:05.330: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:05.530: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:05.740: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:05.940: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:06.140: I/System.out(21926): waiting for debugger to settle...
12-08 20:18:06.340: I/System.out(21926): debugger has settled (1375)
12-08 20:18:06.400: I/MMFRuntime(21926): onCreate, runtime version: RC3
12-08 20:18:06.420: I/MMFRuntime(21926): appVersion: 1.0.0
12-08 20:18:06.430: D/dalvikvm(21926): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/lib/libRuntimeNative.so 0x41a51a50
12-08 20:18:06.440: D/dalvikvm(21926): Added shared lib /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/lib/libRuntimeNative.so 0x41a51a50
12-08 20:18:06.440: D/dalvikvm(21926): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/lib/libRuntimeNative.so 0x41a51a50, skipping init
12-08 20:18:06.440: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): thisApp: com/yourcompany/yourapplication
12-08 20:18:06.440: I/MMFRuntime(21926): ABI is armeabi-v7a
12-08 20:18:06.510: I/MMFRuntime(21926): inputStreamToFile: 38008 bytes
12-08 20:18:06.510: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Load CRunAESFusion from /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/files/CRunAESFusion.so (performing dlopen)
12-08 20:18:06.510: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): dlopen() completed for /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/files/CRunAESFusion.so
12-08 20:18:06.510: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Creating Extension object...
12-08 20:18:06.510: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): dlsym lookups completed (init is 1509056953)
12-08 20:18:06.510: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Calling init()
12-08 20:18:06.510: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): init() called
12-08 20:18:06.510: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Loaded successfully! Handle: 1075006364
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntime(21926): inputStreamToFile: 53564 bytes
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Load CRunLacewing from /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/files/CRunLacewing.so (performing dlopen)
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): dlopen() completed for /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/files/CRunLacewing.so
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Creating Extension object...
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): dlsym lookups completed (init is 1509450305)
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Calling init()
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Calling LacewingMMF::init
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Called LacewingMMF::init
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): init() called
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Loaded successfully! Handle: 1075006656
12-08 20:18:06.520: I/MMFRuntime(21926): CRunApp/load
12-08 20:18:06.530: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Adding touch aware: Application.CRunApp
12-08 20:18:06.530: I/MMFRuntime(21926): getResourceID for raw/application, package com.yourcompany.yourapplication: 2130968576
12-08 20:18:06.530: I/MMFRuntime(21926): inputStreamToFile: 8786 bytes
12-08 20:18:06.530: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): CFile::mmap => Length: 8786, fd 45
12-08 20:18:06.530: I/MMFRuntimeNative(21926): Invalid argument
12-08 20:18:06.540: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Got CHUNK_APPHEADER
12-08 20:18:06.550: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Created extension: KcBoxA
12-08 20:18:06.570: I/MMFRuntime(21926): nHandlesReel: 0
12-08 20:18:06.570: I/MMFRuntime(21926): numberOfSounds: 0
12-08 20:18:06.580: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Updating window dimensions to 640x480 (scaled 1.0, 1.0)
12-08 20:18:06.650: I/MMFRuntime(21926): --- onMeasure for Runtime.MainView@41a6fd30 (currentWidth 0, currentHeight 0)
12-08 20:18:06.650: I/MMFRuntime(21926): --- onMeasure for Runtime.MainView@41a6fd30 (currentWidth 0, currentHeight 0)
12-08 20:18:06.670: I/MMFRuntime(21926): onSizeChanged (w 1024, h 564, old values: currentWidth 0, currentHeight 0)
12-08 20:18:06.670: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Thread Thread[main,5,main] updating viewport
12-08 20:18:06.670: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Android.MMFRuntime updating viewport - width 1024, height 564
12-08 20:18:06.670: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Updating window dimensions to 1024x564 (scaled 1.0, 1.0)
12-08 20:18:06.670: I/MMFRuntime(21926): uV: initialUpdateDone false, GLRenderer is null
12-08 20:18:06.690: I/MMFRuntime(21926): --- onMeasure for Runtime.MainView@41a6fd30 (currentWidth 1024, currentHeight 564)
12-08 20:18:06.690: I/MMFRuntime(21926): --- onMeasure for Runtime.MainView@41a6fd30 (currentWidth 1024, currentHeight 564)
12-08 20:18:06.710: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Thread Thread[main,5,main] creating surface w/ holder android.view.SurfaceView$4@41b78fd8
12-08 20:18:06.740: D/libEGL(21926): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so
12-08 20:18:06.930: D/libEGL(21926): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so
12-08 20:18:06.960: D/libEGL(21926): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so
12-08 20:18:06.980: I/MMFRuntime(21926): eglInitialize called
12-08 20:18:06.980: I/MMFRuntime(21926): 12 possible configurations returned
12-08 20:18:06.980: I/MMFRuntime(21926): New closest config: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLConfigImpl@41b7b698
12-08 20:18:06.980: I/MMFRuntime(21926): New closest config: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLConfigImpl@41b7b6a8
12-08 20:18:06.980: I/MMFRuntime(21926): New closest config: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLConfigImpl@41b7b718
12-08 20:18:06.980: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Got eglConfig : com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLConfigImpl@41b7b718
12-08 20:18:06.990: I/MMFRuntime(21926): createSurface: Making current...
12-08 20:18:07.000: I/MMFRuntime(21926): makeCurrent - display: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLDisplayImpl@1, surface: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLSurfaceImpl@5a0375f0, context: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLContextImpl@5a02fab0 from thread Thread[main,5,main]
12-08 20:18:07.000: I/MMFRuntime(21926): eglMakeCurrent: 12288
12-08 20:18:07.000: D/dalvikvm(21926): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/lib/libES1Renderer.so 0x41a51a50
12-08 20:18:07.010: D/dalvikvm(21926): Added shared lib /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/lib/libES1Renderer.so 0x41a51a50
12-08 20:18:07.010: D/dalvikvm(21926): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapplication/lib/libES1Renderer.so 0x41a51a50, skipping init
12-08 20:18:07.010: I/MMFRuntime(21926): ES1Renderer/onSurfaceCreated
12-08 20:18:07.010: D/dalvikvm(21926): Note: class Landroid/opengl/GLWrapperBase; has 250 unimplemented (abstract) methods
12-08 20:18:07.020: I/MMFRuntime(21926): ES1Renderer : Started - GPU NVIDIA AP, vendor NVIDIA Corporation
12-08 20:18:07.020: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] nullglMatrixMode(mode=GL_MODELVIEW);
12-08 20:18:07.020: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glLoadIdentity();
12-08 20:18:07.030: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glMatrixMode(mode=GL_PROJECTION);
12-08 20:18:07.030: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glLoadIdentity();
12-08 20:18:07.030: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glViewport(x=0, y=0, width=1024, height=564);
12-08 20:18:07.040: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glOrthof(left=0.0, right=1024.0, bottom=564.0, top=0.0, near=1.0, far=-1.0);
12-08 20:18:07.040: I/MMFRuntime(21926): setFrameRate to 50
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): startTheFrame() called
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Starting new frame
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): makeCurrent - display: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLDisplayImpl@1, surface: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLSurfaceImpl@5a0375f0, context: com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLContextImpl@5a02fab0 from thread Thread[main,5,main]
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): eglMakeCurrent: 12288
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Thread Thread[main,5,main] updating viewport
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Android.MMFRuntime updating viewport - width 1024, height 564
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Updating window dimensions to 640x480 (scaled 1.0, 1.0)
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): uV: initialUpdateDone true, GLRenderer is OpenGL.ES1Renderer@41b7d828
12-08 20:18:07.100: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Setting renderer limits...
12-08 20:18:07.110: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glMatrixMode(mode=GL_MODELVIEW);
12-08 20:18:07.110: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glLoadIdentity();
12-08 20:18:07.110: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glMatrixMode(mode=GL_PROJECTION);
12-08 20:18:07.120: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glLoadIdentity();
12-08 20:18:07.120: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glViewport(x=192, y=42, width=640, height=480);
12-08 20:18:07.130: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glOrthof(left=0.0, right=640.0, bottom=480.0, top=0.0, near=1.0, far=-1.0);
12-08 20:18:07.140: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Created extension: KcBoxA
12-08 20:18:07.150: I/MMFRuntime(21926): iPhoneOptions are 32
12-08 20:18:07.150: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Init joystick with flags 1
12-08 20:18:07.150: I/MMFRuntime(21926): getResourceID for drawable/joyback, package com.yourcompany.yourapplication: 2130837508
12-08 20:18:07.170: I/MMFRuntime(21926): getResourceID for drawable/joyfront, package com.yourcompany.yourapplication: 2130837509
12-08 20:18:07.180: I/MMFRuntime(21926): getResourceID for drawable/fire1u, package com.yourcompany.yourapplication: 2130837505
12-08 20:18:07.190: I/MMFRuntime(21926): getResourceID for drawable/fire2u, package com.yourcompany.yourapplication: 2130837507
12-08 20:18:07.190: I/MMFRuntime(21926): getResourceID for drawable/fire1d, package com.yourcompany.yourapplication: 2130837504
12-08 20:18:07.190: I/MMFRuntime(21926): getResourceID for drawable/fire2d, package com.yourcompany.yourapplication: 2130837506
12-08 20:18:07.200: I/MMFRuntime(21926): Adding touch aware: Application.CJoystick
12-08 20:18:07.200: D/dalvikvm(21926): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
12-08 20:18:07.230: D/dalvikvm(21926): GC_EXPLICIT freed 746K, 60% free 3399K/8387K, paused 2ms+1ms, total 29ms
12-08 20:18:07.230: I/MMFRuntime(21926): startTheFrame() called
12-08 20:18:07.230: I/MMFRuntime(21926): --- onMeasure for Runtime.MainView@41a6fd30 (currentWidth 1024, currentHeight 564)
12-08 20:18:07.230: I/MMFRuntime(21926): --- onMeasure for Runtime.MainView@41a6fd30 (currentWidth 1024, currentHeight 564)
12-08 20:18:07.290: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glPushMatrix();
12-08 20:18:07.300: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glMatrixMode(mode=GL_MODELVIEW);
12-08 20:18:07.300: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glPushMatrix();
12-08 20:18:07.300: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glLoadIdentity();
12-08 20:18:07.300: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glMatrixMode(mode=GL_PROJECTION);
12-08 20:18:07.300: I/MMFRuntime(21926): [OpenGL] glPushMatrix();
12-08 20:18:13.970: D/AndroidRuntime(21926): Shutting down VM
12-08 20:18:13.970: W/dalvikvm(21926): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4171c300)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): android.opengl.GLException: stack overflow
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at android.opengl.GLErrorWrapper.checkError(GLErrorWrapper.java:62)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at android.opengl.GLErrorWrapper.glPushMatrix(GLErrorWrapper.java:660)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at android.opengl.GLLogWrapper.glPushMatrix(GLLogWrapper.java:2247)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at OpenGL.ES1Renderer.beginWholeScreenDraw(ES1Renderer.java:49)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at Application.CJoystick.draw(CJoystick.java:218)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at OpenGL.GLRenderer.drawJoystick(GLRenderer.java:72)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at RunLoop.CRun.screen_Update(CRun.java:2823)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at RunLoop.CRun.f_GameLoop(CRun.java:4944)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at RunLoop.CRun.doRunLoop(CRun.java:463)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at Application.CRunApp.loopFrame(CRunApp.java:907)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at Application.CRunApp.playApplication(CRunApp.java:691)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at Application.CRunTimerTask.run(CRunTimerTask.java:29)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:615)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4928)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:791)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:558)
12-08 20:18:14.010: E/AndroidRuntime(21926): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
happened to me too in my background pasting test app!
Hmm, this is a problem with the ES1 renderer. You might want to try the ES2 renderer as a temporary workaround.
Hi James,
Okay it works in the ES2. Why is the joystick always in the left corner? You can give x,y coordinates but
that will not work. Think I remember that in the very beginning of the beta testing you could put the joystick
at given x,y coordinates.
Hi Fernando, why shouldn't you use my thread to post. Least you had a log and I didn't
Yeah, the Joystick is pretty much still unusable if you can't move it.
I tried a few different things there and can't get it to budge from the bottom corner.
Even if your app is smaller than your screen size and you have it set as centre, the joystick is displayed in the border outside the frame area.
I've just done another test app ( not bothered uploading as it's easily explained. ).
Every second I set Joystick x to a random coord and random y coord.
It moves for what seems like 1 tick of MMF's clock then snaps back to the bottom corner.
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Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)