I've been browsing around for CSurface documentation, in order to work on graphical extensions, and I've found the only documentation (a part in the MMFSDK help file) pretty much useless. Most of the functions are undocumented, there's no clear method or series of steps, and overall it's very hard to use. And there's not even that level of documentation for HWA.
By way of being sent a graphics extension's source code (thanks Looki) I can get things to display. He says the only way he got it to work was guesswork/trial and error.
But the graphics extension I am currently working on (for a paid project) is pretty advanced, and I'm not confident it's within CSurface's capabilities, or that I'll spend ages making some complex workaround and finding out later that it was re-inventing the wheel because the previous wheel-creator had bad marketing.
So in a nutshell, can I have a clear list of what each function for CSurface does. After I've got some experience with it, I can (and will) then help anyone else with creating graphics extensions in my C++ tutorial blog.