Actually i used the Flash Url object to send external links and to do that i need to create 3 conditions. With Flash Player object I only need one. I prefer the Flash Player method because invest minus time but if FLash URL object exist i think is because have some option or advantaje that i don't know? What's is? or when i need to use one or other?
Other question - Hand cursor over buttons:
I see an example searching the forums to get the hand cursor on/off over a button made by Stephen using the Flash Player object and works perfectly.
To do this i need 2 conditions:
Mouse pointer is over (Object)
Only one action when event loops
In Flash player cell = "Set hand cursor over (object) on"
(Negate)Mouse pointer is over (Object)
Only one action when event loops
In Flash player cell = "Set hand cursor over (object) off"
Ok, but now imagine that i'm doing a music mixer, something with dozens of buttons or simply i want save time... Is there any method/trick to get that all the buttons when the mouse is over set the hand cursor on and when is out set the hand cursor off?
Searching more, in a 2010 somebody called JoKa wrote:
"Can you use a qualifier for all objects which should show a hand at mouseover? This would be an easy way:
Start of frame
--> Set hand cursor over "Qualifier" on "
But i'm new and i not understad very well what i have to do exactly
Edit: Well i found something but is named "behaviors" that seems to work similar like this, only copying the Behavior name and save lines of unnecesary conditions. But Still i need to copy the behavior name in all the buttons... ¿ANother trick to do this more fast/automated?