A while ago, there was a thread which mentioned the fact that MMF performs 'IS OVERLAPPING' tests by using the working position of the object on the left in comparison with the cached version of the object on the right.
You can see an example attached. Essentially, if you move two objects in the events, and want to compare whether their new positions overlap, it appears to be impossible. If we move Object A and Object B so that they overlap, MMF keeps records of their locations before and after moving (we'll call them 'Original' and 'New').
Object A overlaps Object B actually means 'does Object A (New) overlap Object B (Original)?'
Object B overlaps Object A actually means 'does Object B (New) overlap Object A (Original)?'
So you don't seem able to compare Object A (New) and Object B (New). You seem to have to wait until MMF finishes the frame, so the New position becomes the Original position.
Did anyone ever find a way around this?
It's got me stumped...