MMF1 .cox extensions

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  • Years ago you used to be able to easily do an internet search to find extensions for CNC, TGF, MMF. These days you'll find forms that have links to websites that no longer exist, even the Please login to see this link. site does not work as I am 'forbidden' from opening it.

    Does anyone know where I can find a working website where I can download .cox extensions for MMF1? I am particularly looking for kcres.cox.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • If that's not possible, does anyone have any of the following extensions for mmf1? (or the mmf2 equivalent, if they exist)

    Display Properties Object - kcres.cox or kcres.mfx (I believe kcres.dll needs to be included with this)
    String Parser Object - string.cox or string.mfx
    INI+ Object - iniplus.cox or iniplus.mfx

    I am trying to open some of my older games that I made with TGF1. Most of them use the display properties object as I used to make them full screen at 640x480 pixels. Those listed are the extensions that I know I need, however when I try to open one of these games, it will only tell me that it can't find one of the missing extensions, not all of them. So I might need more then those three, but they are the only ones I know about right now.

    If anybody has any of these extensions and could send them to me, I would be very grateful!!

    edit: I have the String Parser Object for MMF2, parser.mfx. By renaming it string.mfx, I was able to open the game that uses this extension.

    Edited once, last by mutantdude: Found one of the extensions (January 5, 2013 at 8:00 PM).

  • Good to know... except I don't actually have these extensions.

    What I'm asking is where can I download extensions for mmf1, or if anybody who has them could send them to me? It's likely that there is an mmf2 version of most of the extensions I need. However, as far as I know, a mmf2 version of the Display Properties and INI+ Objects do not exist. In that case, I want to be able to get the mmf1 version so that I can open the game and remove the extension.

    I might have been a bit confusing in the last two posts, and might not have gotten the point across.

    In short: I am looking for kcref.cox and iniplus.cox. Hopefully once this search is done, none others.

  • I've been wondering the same thing. I'd like to open up a bunch of my old stuff to have a fish around inside for old ideas and things but they're all from back when I was only making PC games and wasn't afraid to have extensions up the wazoo, and now I can't find the original extensions to stick in the mmf1 extension replace folder.

  • Maybe you might have misread my answer. Rename another extension and place it in the MMF1 folder. Rename any MMF1 or mmf2 extension to the cox you need.

    If "our brains" are still misfiring after this post, lets start over. I stated in my first answer to rename an extension. Maybe you don't have to look all over the internet if this works, as it has before.


    458 TGF to CTF 2.5+ Examples and games
    Please login to see this link.

  • oooooooooh, any extension as in ANYTHING! I took a random .cox file, pasted it in the Multimedia Fusion 2/Extensions/mmf1 folder, renamed it kcres.cox, and......drum roll....... it worked! :D

    You can open the game file but you can't run it until you remove the extension.

    I had no idea I could do this, thank you so much!!

  • That's ridiculous! I copied the original cox files in this folder and it didn't work.
    After using your trick it works! Thanks... That really makes no sense...

    The ReadMe.txt in this folder says we have to copy the cox and not rename any random mfx.


    Edited 2 times, last by Gustav (January 15, 2013 at 6:11 AM).

  • Hi! Thanks for the trick, Marv -gonna use it to get past some limitations.

    However, there are a couple extensions that are so crucial for the game to work that I'd rather have the original .cox -file than remove all code related to the extension.
    Might anyone still have Platform.cox and/or AlphaChannel.cox on their hard-drives? It'd allow me access to quite a few older projects, so I'd be very grateful. :)

  • Hi! Thanks for the trick, Marv -gonna use it to get past some limitations.

    However, there are a couple extensions that are so crucial for the game to work that I'd rather have the original .cox -file than remove all code related to the extension.
    Might anyone still have Platform.cox and/or AlphaChannel.cox on their hard-drives? It'd allow me access to quite a few older projects, so I'd be very grateful. :)

    I think there is actually a version of the alpha channel object available for MMF2 in one of the bonus packs. That should let you open projects that require the alpha channel object. I don't know what platform.cox is, but it might be the same thing as the platform movement object, though I'm not nearly as certain on that one.

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • I think there is actually a version of the alpha channel object available for MMF2 in one of the bonus packs. That should let you open projects that require the alpha channel object. I don't know what platform.cox is, but it might be the same thing as the platform movement object, though I'm not nearly as certain on that one.

    Problem is, these extensions are very crucial in their respective games, and having to remove all alpha channels to get a project running might require destroying the whole engine. Platform.cox is none other but our beloved Platform Movement Object, which didn't originally come with MMF. PMO is one of those extensions that prevent you from opening the game altogether if you don't have the legitimate .cox -file.

    So, I'd be very grateful if someone could recover either of these extensions from somewhere, although with large emphasis on Platform.cox! :)

  • Problem is, these extensions are very crucial in their respective games, and having to remove all alpha channels to get a project running might require destroying the whole engine. Platform.cox is none other but our beloved Platform Movement Object, which didn't originally come with MMF. PMO is one of those extensions that prevent you from opening the game altogether if you don't have the legitimate .cox -file.

    So, I'd be very grateful if someone could recover either of these extensions from somewhere, although with large emphasis on Platform.cox! :)

    The MMF2 versions of them should be enough. The only reason that the Alpha Channel Object is ported to MMF2 is for backwards compatibility purposes. The Platform Movement Object is also ported to MMF2. They are both in Please login to see this link.. How about you try downloading that and seeing if that works?

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • The MMF2 versions of them should be enough. The only reason that the Alpha Channel Object is ported to MMF2 is for backwards compatibility purposes. The Platform Movement Object is also ported to MMF2. They are both in Please login to see this link.. How about you try downloading that and seeing if that works?

    Unfortunately opening some of these files in MMF 2 would require me to first open them in MMF 1.5 in order to remove some other stuff that MMF 2 doesn't have (in this case, 1000 global values & strings -extensions). So yeah, I've already tried doing this but no dice. :(

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