I asked about the order in which events will occur for fastloops and ForEach loops for MMF2, and nobody would give me an answer besides, "Test it". So I'm making this post, after a long time without posting, to show you the answer to my question, so you don't have to test it yourself. To start with, here's the .mfa file I used to test it with: Please login to see this attachment. and for those of you that can't open it for whatever reason, here are some screenshots of the setup for the test.
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Here are the results of this test. Where the longer numbers are the fixed values of each of the objects being listed on each event, and the numbers are the number of which event is being run in the fastloop.
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Hopefully this has helped some of you in some way, if you have had a problem dealing with this but were unable to understand my explanation, feel free to PM me.