If you're like me who loves the past, appreciates pixel art and tries to bring it to MMF2, here's some advice:
In my opinion the pinacle of 2D gaming was with the Neo Geo arcade machines. So from their time back until
Donkey Kong was created, games were awesome to see and hear!
First and Foremost! use an Arcade game font which is also the same font used in Nintendo games!
It brings both the old school 80's and that nostalgic "action feeling" of the arcades.
The font is called press start (what a cute name) download here: Please login to see this link.
(what I do is use the font in the free paint.net program while having image/canvas size, set to 320 x 224)
You need to enable caps lock and change the font size to 6 (this is the golden secret for the font to show just like it did in the games of old)
Graphics: use and don't go higher than these!
320 x 224 (most memorable arcade game res) or
320 x 240 (some "a bit higher" arcade game res) or
256 x 224 (old school arcade game res)
Here's an example pic of the game I'm making using 320 x 224 and the above mentioned font:
Please login to see this link.
Feels like you're looking at a video arcade machine screen!
I even made a montage like so: Please login to see this link.
An awesome word of advice: Yes, you want that 16 bit look! Here's what you do:
Using paint.net grab your picture and use the "segment image" effect with settings (number of clusters between 10 to 12, and bias set to Zero)
This gives that true color depth or shading used in 16 bit games. I did not upload a pic for proof yet. But I created a Michael Jackson 16 bit pic, that I really liked! Btw, the segment image effect does not come with paint.net. You have to download it from here: Please login to see this link.
It is the best discovery I have ever made when it comes to converting pictures to game graphics!
Sound: use Synthfont for awesome 16 bit style music
here's soundfont in action: Please login to see this link.
Oh my gosh, I had to get up from my sleep, log back in to say this (and it's 4:49 in the morning :o):
On your MMF2 screen settings (window properties, this is an awesome thing here):
uncheck everything but: maximized on boot up and resize display to fill window size.
Then use the Ultimate Full screen object which will make your game instantly pop up and keep it's aspect ratio without messing with your pc's native resolution!!! and your game will end up looking just like a full screen Mame arcade game! how cool is that?
download here: Please login to see this link.
All these links are goldmines to your top quality game making fun! cheers! now I gotta sleep!