Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi all,

    How would I get a HDD's unique serial number? I don't want the volume number ideally, as that changes when the drive is formatted (apparently?), but rather the unique device serial number.

    I know there used to be an object to do this in MMF1.5, but is there an equivalent in 2.0?

    Alternatively, if there's a relatively simple C++ procedure for it, I can wrap it up in an extension.

    I need it to build an app to help our office assistants at work, they keep messing up the backup drives, so I want to build an idiot-proof app to tell them 'you plugged the wrong drive in, foo!'


  • LB had created an extension called "VolInfo.mfx": Volume Information, I don't have it installed atm so I don't know whether that maybe of use, worth a shot. Jaffob's ExtensionView has it in.

    Aside of that you can get the factory serial through a number of procedures via C++ from just a quick google...

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    Danny // Clickteam

  • I think all the existing extensions (VolInfo.mfx and 'Advanced Volume Information') all retrieve the serial for the partition (Volume Serial), which is redefined on format.

    I suspect the backup system may reformat the drive before backing up to it, so I'm not sure the Volume Serial would be reliable enough.

    I did Google solutions in C++ - they're trickier than you'd think.

    The standard WIN32 functions know only the Volume Serial.
    You can get the actual Drive Serial via WMI, but only if the driver wants to, it's an optional feature, like double-sided printing.
    There's a third party DLL that'll do it, but I'd rather avoid that.
    Other than that, the typical method tends to be to use WMI, and if WMI can't find the serial, check if the drive is IDE or SATA and use the appropriate call sequence for that.

    A bit beyond me, to be honest. :( Maybe your search found better stuff? :)

  • Yeah I thought as much with regards to the extensions. Shame.

    You can retrieve the factory serial with or without WMI from what I can find:
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    I also came across the one with the GetSerialDLL, I think if it's just for you to use as an extension then it should be fine no?

    If all else fails, just start introducing P45's... \o/

    Game Launcher Creator V3 - Please login to see this link.
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    Danny // Clickteam

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