Hello everyone,
The Java stand-alone runtime seems insanely buggy and has a high rate of "not working" for me, a few projects in the past using Java seems to result in "exception" crashes and freezes... and doesn't feel like it's a supported exporter anymore.
I've got this a few times:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Application.CRunApp.setMenu(Unknown Source)
at Application.CRunApp.createDisplaySwing(Unknown Source)
at Application.CRunApp.startTheFrame(Unknown Source)
at Application.CRunApp.playApplication(Unknown Source)
at CRuntime.run(Unknown Source)
at CRuntime.main(Unknown Source)
Which in human words means... "I don't have a clue how to start!" and results in nothing else happening. Runs fine in the editor, but the finished compiled JAR, nothing. To fix this, I've had to start a fresh MFA and copy my frames over, and it works again!
Recently, I'm getting this when attempting to set a global string or load from INI:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:658)
at CIni.findKey(CRunkcini.java:446)
at CIni.getPrivateProfileString(CRunkcini.java:469)
at CRunkcini.GetStringGroupItem(CRunkcini.java:346)
at CRunkcini.expression(CRunkcini.java:291)
at Objects.CExtension.expression(Unknown Source)
at Expressions.CExpExtension.evaluate(Unknown Source)
at RunLoop.CRun.getExpression(Unknown Source)
at RunLoop.CRun.get_EventExpressionString(Unknown Source)
at Actions.CActExtension.getParamExpString(Unknown Source)
at CRunkcedit.actSETTEXT(Unknown Source)
at CRunkcedit.action(Unknown Source)
at Objects.CExtension.action(Unknown Source)
at Actions.CActExtension.execute(Unknown Source)
at Events.CEventProgram.call_Actions(Unknown Source)
at Events.CEventProgram.computeEventList(Unknown Source)
at Events.CEventProgram.compute_TimerEvents(Unknown Source)
at RunLoop.CRun.f_GameLoop(Unknown Source)
at RunLoop.CRun.doRunLoop(Unknown Source)
at Application.CRunApp.loopFrame(Unknown Source)
at Application.CRunApp.playApplication(Unknown Source)
at CRuntime.run(Unknown Source)
at CRuntime.main(Unknown Source)
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Which makes no sense...... I'm sure this was working once before...
The reason I'm using Java to start with is because I'm trying to create a Linux-specific application. Unfortunately, Anaconda didn't compile for me when I used Windows as my primary OS. More specifically, I need the program to execute a Linux command to run another program on the system. It's a sort of "hub" program I'm making, and these bugs have prevented me from doing that.
I've noticed the sub-forum for "Java runtime" has vanished, which makes me think... Is the Java Runtime no longer supported, used or developed for?