Thanks Damien for your answer.
I wait for the 1.2 version. Thanks for your work !
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Open a TicketThanks Damien for your answer.
I wait for the 1.2 version. Thanks for your work !
First of all congratulations for the excellent work Conceptgame. Can you enter the following options in the Expressions of OpenCapture Object:
- Number of device
- Total number of devices
- Name of device
Thank you for the support. I thought about it at the beginning but the main problem is that OpenCv is multiplatform and these features are not available for all platforms.
I will think about it. I have 3 possibilities:
- modifiy the Opencv code to support this with Directshow only for Windows
- add additional code with Directshow with the same features only for Windows
- create a new "Enumerator" extension to support these features without breaking the multiplatform side of OpenCapture.
Thanks for reply. With regard to the last choice you propose, I already use Video Capture object (I do not know if this item is multiplatform) who works with Open Capture object. I was hoping for a single extension, but that's okay.
I made an application with CF 2.5 that contains both the objects: Video Capture.mfx and OpenCapture.mfx. After installing the program on a computer you receive the following error: "Can not open OpenCapture.mfx. This object might need an external program or library not yet installed.".
Please login to see this attachment.
Hi Enrico,
If I understood correctly, you made a Fusion2.5 application on a computer and tried to open the mfa on another one, did you? Or did you compile it on the first one and tried to start on another one?
What is the error report of dependency walker on the target computer when opening OpenCapture.mfx or the exe you compiled?
Anyway, I did not recommend to use VideoCapture for other purposes than learning extension development. As I stated in the tutorial coming with the extension there was no error handling in this demo extension.
I will try to copy and improve the code from this extension to OpenCapture extension to handle number of devices and device names.
Thanks concetgame. Sorry if I was not very precise. I have compiled mfa application and is the exe that gives the error. In the other computer is not installed CF 2.5 or MMF2.
Ok, it means that the exe works on the development computer but not on another one without any MMF installed.
OpenCv requires Directshow and certainly DirectX9 or further. Did you have this on the target computer?
The use of dependency walker would still be really helpful to find quickly the source of the problem.
Here a link: Please login to see this link.
Once installed, File -> Open -> Select the compiled exe
And File -> Save -> Save to a dwi or txt file.
This will give info about your system so i do not mind if you do not want to send the whole file but just the errors would be enough.
I will check if I can find another computer without any MMF to try a compiled exe.
Please login to see this link.
I send the file requested.
Thanks for all
It is strange. It is asking for the MMF2 runtime library mmfs2.dll which should be packaged into the exe. I suppose that OpenCapture.mfx is looking for mmfs2.dll in a wrong place.
Until I figure out why it is not working without mmfs2.dll, you can try to copy this dll (from the MMF2 installation folder on the development PC) to the exe folder on the target PC.
Love your extension! The detailed help file and example is very appreciated.
Thank you!
Thanks. All feedbacks are very appreciated.
My game is almost finished now. I should come then with the version 1.2 (with Fusion2.5).
Hi ConceptGame.
Weird update here, I tried my camera with the latest v1.1 and I get nothing, whether I use -1 or 0, start preview or start capture. It will initialise and then load a black frame with a bit of a gfx glitch at the top that is all.
The weird update is, I also have your first revision which you called "Video Capture" which was started before this, which contains only 2 actions, Choose Device and Start Preview and yet, that works... odd?!
Hi Danny,
Indeed, it is weird. Some other users seemed to use the v1.1 without problem, therefore can you give me your configuration:
- MMF2 or CTF2.5?
- Windows Version?
Do you have an error message from the extension itself: "Cannot start preview" or something similar?
Hi Damien,
Fusion 2.5 Developer I'm using. I tried it on both my Windows 7 Home Premium Desktop and my Laptop which is Windows Vista. Skype can detect the camera no problem, same with your Video Capture object, that picks it up too. However, OpenCapture doesn't.
No error messages returned at all. You can see it wants to start the preview, but it has a black screen and a few coloured pixels at the top. I tried googling "OpenCV" "Black Screen" and installed the latest Quicktime and WinDIG driver but that didn't resolve the issue. The other issues I were to do with the library and the code which obviously I cannot change myself.
Very strange, I really hope to work with this extension so I can assist as much as possible to get this resolved with you.
Hi Danny,
I tried on 2 other computers and it worked. But they have both a development environment and MMF2 on them which can mislead for the investigation.
I will try on a neutral computer.
Some few other questions:
- Do you have other capture devices on your computer: tv tuner for example?
- What is the default resolution of your camera? What is the size of the camera view?
- After the sequence: Choose Device(-1) -> Start Capture -> Start Preview and the image is visible, perform a "Save raw frame at resolution to file" to see if it is a scaling or MMF display problem.
I hope it is not an Opencv bug since OpenCapture and Video Capture extensions should use both Directshow on Windows.
I just thought about it: what are the available formats of your camera?
Here a link of a matlab tool to know the output formats of your camera: Please login to see this link.
Can you send me the list of the Output formats (or screenshot)? If you do not have RGB in the list, I need to look in the code if I can adapt it to support other formats or use the [set property] action option to switch in RGB.
Oh my, I feel a little silly here. I just read your first post, I never knew we had to Start Capture first THEN Start the preview.
I'm real glad this is working now. Apologies, I just wasn't aware of this... I'll fly into testing this right now and report any 'real' errors.
I'm confused too by the names of these actions.
Maybe it makes sense to change the name from Start Capture to Prepare Capture or something similar.
From the technical point of view, cpaturing only means that images are taken from the camera, it does not include rendering something on the screen.
It allows also the user of the extension to capture images without displaying anything on the screen as explained in the help file:
QuoteStart Capture
Start capturing images from the selected capture device. This action does not draw anything on the screen, [Start Preview] action should be called afterwards to display the preview. It can this way track colors or save video stream without taking rendering ressources to draw something on the Screen
Danny: if you call Start Preview and then Start Capture it should still work as stated in the help file:
Note: the actions [Choose Device], [Start Capture] and [Start Preview] are independent. In other words, calling one of them won't automatically trigger the other ones but the status is saved. For example, calling [Start Preview] before [Start Capture] won't display anything on the screen but it is not needed to call it again once the [Start Capture] action is called.
Otherwise it is a bug since I implemented this specific error handling if a wrong sequence is given in MMF code.
EDIT: ok I checked some wrong sequences and it does not work as described in help file. A wrong sequence does not crash anything but the Action needs to be called one more time to be effective.
I need to change the code to at least send back an error (LastError expression) and change the help file.
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