Acquiring ITIN (non-US based developers)

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi all!

    I *finally* managed to get an ITIN tax code number from the IRS after 3 attempts. You need this number if you working as an individual and are not a US developer to get the full amount owed to you (if you don't have one, the IRS hold 30% of your earnings from said sites).

    It does not apply to google play or itunes because they pay their foreign developers through their foreign headquarters. BUT you do need it for Microsoft XBLIG, Windows Phone Marketplace, Amazon app store, and Kongregate to name a few places. So you might want to get one if you're a UK or European developer, if you intend to use those platforms now or in the future.

    So first off, there's a good tutorial I found here: Please login to see this link.

    Some tips from my experience trying to get an ITIN:

    - You either need to send off your actual passport or a US notarized copy of it. I tried sending a copy notarized by my bank on the first attempt, but that wasn't good enough. I had no idea where I could get a US notarized copy in my area so I ended up sending my actual passport.

    - You have to send a supporting letter along with your application. Don't use the letter Microsoft link to on their XBLIG site. It's not worded correctly, and the IRS rejected my application because of it. Microsoft won't update it either because their support for XBLIG is virtually non-existent. I ended up using Amazon's ITIN letter instead, which I got by emailing their support. Kongregate can also supply a similar letter which I imagine is fine. Amazon's letter definitely works though :)

    - It takes about 6-8 weeks for a response. With my successful application I sent it near the beginning of march, and received my passport back & ITIN yesterday. This time of year is when they are at their busiest though.

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  • I've stickied it Cole. This is interesting information, I still need to send off all my information for MS as I've been delaying it, not in any rush atm, however I noticed Amazon was up there and now I need to go dig deeper, I've been on Amazon since ~August last year and I didn't know they'd require my tax information so thanks for the heads up I'll get onto that right away.

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    Danny // Clickteam

  • Yep, don't worry the money just gets withheld until they have all the details necessary to pay you, so you won't be loosing out. They are very slooow at organising the payments though, they only pay quarterly and even then I think it's 45 days after the quarter ends. So be prepared to wait :/

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