Can events be missed?

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • What ho everyone‽

    The waffle, or…

    By a piece of serendipity, last year at a point when I was getting serious about making an iPhone game I happened to recall a wonderful little program called the Games Factory from my childhood. The discovery TGF did not come with a commercial license had dashed my dreams long ago and I knew it would be no good for iOS games but nostalgia stirred me to search for TGF. To my delight this led me to MMF2 developer which allows you to build games for iOS and sell them! All my childhood dreams of game design had come true and so here I am, partway through making my first commercial game, and I have a question:

    … skip straight to the question.

    I’m about to start coding my game and have a question that may determine how I go about the coding; can events ever be missed, perhaps if the CPU is very busy? For instance, suppose I activated a group when the CPU was busy, could the fact the group has just been activated be missed by the processor and as a result the actions associated with the event “On group activation” would never happen? I don’t know enough about programming or how MMF2 is built to know if this is possible so I’d appreciate it if anybody has the answer.

    Many thanks,


  • I've never heard of this happening. Been using Clickteam products for 10+ years now.

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    My examples:
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  • I'm not sure they can. The events in MMF2 are gone through in a sequential manner. I know I've had moments when I thought it was missing an event ( regarding a collision detection), but it turned out the object was moving too many pixels each "tick" and thus was never overlapping the object in question.

  • Thanks for the answers; they are certainly encouraging. My concern really stemmed from hearsay about some event driven programming occasionally missing events coupled with a vague memory from computing A-level that interrupts (does MMF2 use interrupts? Possibly my lack of understanding is making me look silly!) can sometimes be missed.

    Like I say; I don’t know enough about programming to know if what I’m asking is even sensible so I was just looking for some reassurance. If there is a chance of missing events then I’d make all the events be checks for continuous states rather than instantaneous states but I’d rather not do this as I think it would be messy.

  • Throughout all my time developing games I've only seen that happen once or twice. Maybe it was only because I was testing the run-time and hadn't built it.
    Just to be sure, I usually set up my events to activate when they aren't already active (example: set Value A to 1 when Value A is not equal to 1) instead of just activating them at a given time.

    That's my main.

  • MMF has a limited postponed event handling stack but I think for immediate event, no event will be lost (MMF is not a real time so there is no reason that MMF drops some immediate event). The problem is just that in MMF's events editor there is no way to distinguish immediate event from postponed event because it depends on event's triggering and not event's handling (meaning the extension will tell MMF to launch an immediate event or postponed event).

    Just to be clear immediate and postponed event are both handled by immediate condition (in red usually in events editor).

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