What ho everyone‽
The waffle, or…
By a piece of serendipity, last year at a point when I was getting serious about making an iPhone game I happened to recall a wonderful little program called the Games Factory from my childhood. The discovery TGF did not come with a commercial license had dashed my dreams long ago and I knew it would be no good for iOS games but nostalgia stirred me to search for TGF. To my delight this led me to MMF2 developer which allows you to build games for iOS and sell them! All my childhood dreams of game design had come true and so here I am, partway through making my first commercial game, and I have a question:
… skip straight to the question.
I’m about to start coding my game and have a question that may determine how I go about the coding; can events ever be missed, perhaps if the CPU is very busy? For instance, suppose I activated a group when the CPU was busy, could the fact the group has just been activated be missed by the processor and as a result the actions associated with the event “On group activation” would never happen? I don’t know enough about programming or how MMF2 is built to know if this is possible so I’d appreciate it if anybody has the answer.
Many thanks,