Got one at Best Buy this am.
Only one store in the immediate area was not sold out.
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Open a TicketGot one at Best Buy this am.
Only one store in the immediate area was not sold out.
It would have been nice if we that preordered had gotten it before it started to sell in stores but I am still waiting
I got one one the way. $99 bucks for the system. It's awesome. I think clickteam should release their own console too.
Still waiting on my preorder as well. This whole debacle has killed a lot of my enthusiasm for the system, and its chances of success. But I've got an Ouya game in development so I'll stick with it for now.
indeed spyfrog, I'll be getting my ouyas from amazon on monday (can't wait). At least we'll get them quite close to the shop release but I get your point.
I hope the general public is buying then up and not just the indie game developer community.
They are selling out but it's hard to tell if it's because of supply or demand. Still, I'll be getting one too as soon as we get the ouya IAP update
I suspect they are selling out because there aren't that many of them. I mean not even the kickstarter backers have all received them yet.
The device from what i've read isn't that good.
Uhmm!, that is true UU-ya is selling for new users but not for the backers, strange way to pay for co-founding a project.
They are selling out but it's hard to tell if it's because of supply or demand. Still, I'll be getting one too as soon as we get the ouya IAP update
Do we not yet have a way to handle Ouya purchases with the exporter?
I suspect they are selling out because there aren't that many of them. I mean not even the kickstarter backers have all received them yet.
The device from what i've read isn't that good.
My friend, who was a backer, has already decided to closet his in favor of the Mad Catz MOJO that's coming out. The problem with the OUYA is that it was great when it was announced, but they didn't keep it up to date, so by the time it released, it was severely outdated in terms of hardware capability ( it's rare that a "new" device wouldn't even support Open GL ES 2.0, which OUYA doesn't support ). It's also based on a modified Honeycomb kernel, which wasn't a very good Android version, IMO.
Do we not yet have a way to handle Ouya purchases with the exporter?
Not yet unfortunately, although it's coming soon I think.
It seems like we'll end up with a bunch of android powered consoles. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. Competition is mostly good, but if there are loads of them it's going to make for a fragmented market with loads of individual marketplaces all competing for attention, and none of them may sell enough for one to be truly popular. The next few years will be interesting.
OUYA runs the same OS as android cellphones do. ( Android Operating system )
In OUYA options you can even see an option for Battery. I am just testing the games on my Galaxy Note untill I get the system.
I bought an Ouya today in GAME (UK) They had several behind the counter. So there doesn't appear to be a shortage here. Bit disappointed that some of the games are dumps of Android games not optimised in any way. Low frame rates all over the place!
Don't quote me but I thought the ouya doesn't have that option yet. Someone correct me if i am wrong.
Got mine today.
I bought an Ouya today in GAME (UK) They had several behind the counter. So there doesn't appear to be a shortage here. Bit disappointed that some of the games are dumps of Android games not optimised in any way. Low frame rates all over the place!
I am happy for you but this actually makes me angry. I still haven't gotten mine and I haven't even gotten an e-mail saying that it is shipping. And I preordered the damn thing. Then you can just walk into a store and buy it before mine is delivered. What was the point of pre-ordering in that case? No, I wont be doing business with the Ouya people again!
I saw some videos I am even sure if you can buy games yet. I could be wrong I don't have mine yet.
I am happy for you but this actually makes me angry. I still haven't gotten mine and I haven't even gotten an e-mail saying that it is shipping. And I preordered the damn thing. Then you can just walk into a store and buy it before mine is delivered. What was the point of pre-ordering in that case? No, I wont be doing business with the Ouya people again!
I hope they compensate you guys in some way because thats really not on.
I gotta be honest, I think GameStick have good chance at beating OUYA.
1. It's portable
2. Passive cooled (OUYA is very noisy)
3. Better design, look n' feel both UI and hardware
4. Joypad is mapped to keyboard/mouse presses, makes it easier to port
5. The feel of the controls should be better, but let's see. The OUYA joypad is not very precise.
6. Their campaign have been spotless, I feel like they care
7. They can learn from all of OUYA's mistakes
But let's see when we get the actual device. Also waiting for my GamePop console.
Who else is waiting for their gamestick?
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