Simple Moving Objects / Graphic Control

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hello again, I have two issues I want to address.

    The first issue is:
    While making my platform game, I wanted to make a platform that moves in a simple circular pattern, so I decided to use the basic movement "Circular" in MMF2; but whenever I use it, the platform disappears completely unless I make the platform follow by frame which makes the platform pointless and annoying.

    What should I do in the event editor to keep the platform moving in a circular pattern with the basic movement in a selected spot; and if possible, can the same events apply to the more dynamic basic movements?

  • The second issue is:
    Basically, when you rotate a spite in MMF2 or any paint editing program, what happens to it?
    It changes dramatically depending on how small it is.

    There shouldn't be a problem with that because all computers can only cover the tiniest 1x1 square pixel; however, the one thing I can't help but gripe about is that both MMF2 and sometimes the paint editing program smudges the sprite after rotation to anything that 90 degrees isn't a factor of.

    The thing is, with the use of programs such as GIMP, I can rotate the sprite without that happening; but, what happens when I decide to use physics on the sprite, or give the sprite an arch motion or any motion in the event editor that requires the sprite rotate in MMF2. Will the sprite smudge? If so, how in MMF2 could you keep that from happening?

  • You need to set the centre position for the circular movement. Either in the events (using the Clickteam Movement Controller) or directly in the objects properties.
    I've attached a very simple example.

    As for your rotation query - the MMF2 image editor will 'smudge' your sprite (you'll have to ask ClickTeam exactly why) but if you rotate an active at runtime using the rotate action you have a choice of Fast (smudged) or Smooth (should look like it was done with Photoshop or GIMP). Works best on Actives that have Alpha Channels, eg import a PNG with a transparent BG that is antialiased.

  • You need to set the centre position for the circular movement. Either in the events (using the Clickteam Movement Controller) or directly in the objects properties.
    I've attached a very simple example.

    As for your rotation query - the MMF2 image editor will 'smudge' your sprite (you'll have to ask ClickTeam exactly why) but if you rotate an active at runtime using the rotate action you have a choice of Fast (smudged) or Smooth (should look like it was done with Photoshop or GIMP). Works best on Actives that have Alpha Channels, eg import a PNG with a transparent BG that is antialiased.

    I have nothing else to say about the Circular Movement, and I'm beginning to understand how graphics works during runtime, but will the rotation work with physics-based objects?

  • Not sure what you mean by physics-based objects - are you referring to Box2D or Chipmunk Physics? If so, I don't know if they'll work as I don't use these objects, but perhaps somebody else can help.

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  • Not sure what you mean by physics-based objects - are you referring to Box2D or Chipmunk Physics? If so, I don't know if they'll work as I don't use these objects, but perhaps somebody else can help.

    Thanks anyways! I wasn't going to use physics in my game anyways; I just want to know how exactly graphic rotation works in MMF2...

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