Isometric platformer

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • So, a few things:

    1. What runtimes is the engine/game compatible with?
    2. Any chance you could release some sort of very basic isometric platformer engine? It doesn't need to have a lot of the features you have here, it just needs to be compatible with most runtimes. Basically a cross-platform version of this old isometric engine that used the Isometric Grid object (though changing it so that the movement is a little more comfortable would be nice (E.G. Pressing down doesn't move you diagonally down and left)): Please login to see this link.
    The reason I ask is, of course, because I want to make my own Isometric Platformer.
    3. The engine/game seems to be coming together quite nicely. Keep up the good work!

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • hi frog,
    It runs on anything, but some features are ignored in specific environments.

    For example the lightning does not work in html5 because CT had issues with shading. I'm happy with being on desktop though.
    Network or multiplayer is supported only in windows & android since the lacewing updates have halted. I have no insight in James or Phis work and therefor no opinion.

    It's fine, there should be more iso games. I wish I could share more, and I might later on (maybe). Dirtlight only really "need" the array object. Redhades engine was good, he linked me to his well written article. I think they're in class with Dannys latest tutorials.

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    The control issue you mentioned is a symptom of not understanding free movement in worldspace. The image above is layers down to what most call a "unit". A unit (in this case) is the lowest distance an entity can have and it's smaller than a pixel. This is not true for some suits like Maya, where a float defines distance.

    Cell can also be called node (in pathfinding for eg).

    If the user is walking on the cells/nodes there probably isn't a translation happening on the character only on the terrain. When there is free movement, there is usually an angular force (Euler likely) moving the character and then you kind of have to translate that characters position to screenspace. If you do that then skewing the input is no big deal. Having "units" is the start (or it was for me).

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    Edited once, last by tompa: not making sense (May 31, 2014 at 1:36 AM).

  • I think I could have worded the control issue better. I mean the fact that the movement of the player character is rotated 45 degrees (just like the world view itself), not, um... whatever it was you said (I'm sorry, it's 11:30 PM where I am and I can't really understand what you are saying very well). If you actually did just explain that, then I'm sorry about having asked the same thing twice in a different way each time, it's just it's kinda something I want to see in such an example if and when it ever gets made (again, it's late, so I may have also re-worded things poorly (sorry about that if it's the case)).

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • Hello developers

    It has been a year and Dirtlight has transcended into a multiplayer game with an infinite world.
    The progression has in no way stopped, the versions are no longer shared (as often).
    Updates are tweeted and I have begun uploading development videos.

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    "Current state of Client."

    The small grey duds are players currently connected. The world is pushed to client channel or clients on demand, position data is blasted on physics iteration. Currently a player can walk around and build 3 types of tiles.

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    "Current state of Server."

    I’m very impressed by the power that Lacewing from James McLaughlin provides. I’ve created a server system that save/create/load/push chunks of the world dynamically, in runtime. And simultaneously I’m able to run physics and user management. I’m also able to run several servers on the same machine due to reading settings externally. The two most important server features in Dirtlight are spreading work over time and only doing "work" within the area in proximity to players.

    The physics setup is server-to-terminal where an Euler direction and force value is sent to server as a stack. The iterated position (with collision) is blasted back to channel. I'm using the idealistic terminal approach described by Please login to see this link..

    Please login to see this picture.
    "Secure client login."

    For security I use a 3+ part key (encoded) with a random element and bruteforce protection. The random element is my own algorithm that can be improved on demand. More on the cipher Please login to see this link..

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    I use a mindmap software called xMind to keep track of files, variables and data-tables. Further, for managing and schedules I use Please login to see this link..

    As the scope is a bit wide, I've distanced myself from graphics and audio. I'm attempting to timemanage more and focus only on coding. Alfa/Betas and more detailed information can be found Please login to see this link..

    And as always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome!


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  • This looks like a thoughtful and interesting project, I look forward to seeing more updates!

    SUPER MEGA BEST CAT ADVENTURES Please login to see this link. and Please login to see this link. live now!

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